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论文编号:GM671  论文字数:16950.页数:27

摘  要



 Privately operated clothing enterprise is a very important force of garment industry in Zhe Jiang province. In the course of nearly 30 years, trying to switch from processing trade, "OEM" trade to self-brand building. Change brand imitation to brand innovation,anticipating a positive position in the international competition,occupying the high-grade market step by step. This strategic switch is related to the Chinese garment industry’s sustainable development. We should aim at creating international brands by Improving management, speeding up industrial upgrading, making the way of self-innovation. The most crucial factor for the brand of Zhe Jiang private clothing enterprise switching to international brands is how to make the brand innovation that fit for its own way of brand development.
 This text concerning about the common imitation of brand building of Zhe Jiang private clothing enterprises, which is from imitation to innovation. And using the basic theory of Branding and Management to reveal the commonality in brand construction of them. Summing up successful experience of the French fashion brand “Chanel” and Chinese brand “Youngor”(ya ge er). Emphasize the importance of the private garment enterprises shift from brand building imitation roads to brand building innovation roads and put forward countermeasures for its change. Hope this thesis can be helpful in exploring our private clothing enterprise’s brand construction.
KEYWORDS:Imitation;Innovation;Private;Clothing enterprises; Brand

引言 1
第一章 浙江民营服装企业品牌建设现状与问题 2
 第一节 浙江服装业的基本情况 2
 第二节 民营服装企业品牌建设道路总体概况以及需考虑的因素 4
 第三节 品牌建设道路中碰到的问题及问题形成的原因 5
第二章 服装企业品牌创建的国际经验—以法国香奈儿服饰为例 8
 第一节 香奈儿品牌简介 8
 第二节 香奈儿品牌创建道路 8
第三章 服装企业品牌创建的国内经验—以“雅戈尔”为例 10
 第一节 雅戈尔服饰的发展历程 10
 第二节 雅戈尔品牌维护的现状 11
 第三节 品牌创新情况 12
 第四节 雅戈儿品牌建设的战略分析 13
第四章 浙江民营服装企业品牌发展的对策 18
 第一节 总结浙江民营服装企业发展道路特点 18
 第二节 民营服装企业品牌发展对策 18
结束语:正视现状,展望未来 20
参考文献 21
致  谢 23

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