论文编号:GM360 论文字数:11781.页数:19
摘 要
关键词:大学生 就业 形势 对策
The Analyse of the Causation and Countermeasures for
University Student Hard Employment
The nation practices system reformation of the high school recruit in 1999, the higher education has been entering a quickly developing period in our country , various kinds work of higher education have made great progress . But at the same time, when quantities of university students are increasing quickly in short time , the situation of university students obtaining employment is severe . Under the condition of higher education reformation and quickly developing , it is necessary to strengthen theory study of university students obtaining employment , so that make sure every student obtaining employment successful . It is very important for stability and development of society. This paper aims at the present status of university student obtaining employment in our country , from the population , educate system and its reformation , student’s character, the bias of employment , the viewpoints of business enterprises use person and student getting jobs etc ., analyses the difficult reasons of university students getting jobs at present . At last aims at nation, enterprise, higher school and student put forward to some specific solution.
KEYWORDS: university student employment situation countermeasure
目 录
第一章 引言 ……………………………………………………………1
第二章 当前我国大学生就业现状…………………………………2
第一节 大学生总体就业率偏低,就业形势严峻…………………………2
第二节 不同学历、不同专业的毕业生就业率相差甚远……………………2
第三节 男大学生就业机会高于女大学生…………………………………3
第四节 大学生就业趋向发达的大城市,落后地区人才匮乏………………3
第三章 当前我国大学生就业形势严峻的成因分析…………………4
第一节 人口总量和劳动力供给相对过剩…………………………………4
第二节 扩招使大学生数量增加,短期内质量降低………………………5
第三节 高等教育的学科结构和培养模式不尽合理………………………6
第四节 企业用人观与大学生择业观滞后…………………………………6
第五节 部分大学生综合素质偏低………………………………………8
第四章 缓解严峻的就业形势应采取的措施…………………………9
第一节 控制人口增长,创造更多就业岗位………………………………9
第二节 国家加强对毕业生就业工作的宏观调控…………………………9
第三节 完善劳动力市场,立法反对就业歧视……………………………10
第四节 鼓励大学生自主创业,完善大学生自主创业优惠政策和资本市场 …11
第五节 企业应转变用人观, 走出“人才高消费”的误区 …………………12
第六节 改革大学生就业指导模式………………………………………12
第七节 改革高校的教学方法、 培养模式和管理体制 ……………………13
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………… 14
致 谢 ……………………………………………………………………15