论文编号:GM330 论文字数:5750.页数:09
关键词:东莞市加工贸易 贸易现状 东莞模式 比较优势
In this paper, first, I study the present condition and characteristics of the developing processing trade in Dongguan city based on the scale, the growth rate, the value-added rate, the method and the structure of processing trade, the main operating structure and so on.
Then, I expound the prolems of developing processing trade with the topic as follow: the competitiveness of the products, the dependence on foreign trade, the industry promotion, and so on.
In the finally of this papers, I pose some recommendation, such as to promote the high-tech industry, to guide the processing trade enterprises to develop the domestic business, developing the nongovernmental business, to speed up changing the traditional processing trade to the modern processing trade, to use the land resources in a scientific and reasonable way, to relax the management of the household registration, introduce the talent to create the new comparative advantages and so on.
Key words: Dongguan processing trade; present trade condition; Dongguan model; comparative advantages
摘要 0
引言 0
1 东莞加工贸易的现状与特点 1
1.1 东莞加工贸易规模逐年稳步增长 1
1.2 东莞加工贸易在东莞对外贸易中的地位 1
1.3 东莞加工贸易的增长速度曲中求进 2
1.4 东莞加工贸易增长率系数逐年攀升 2
1.5 东莞加工贸易的方式结构 3
1.6 东莞加工贸易经营主体结构 4
2东莞加工贸易发展中存在的问题 4
2.1 东莞产品竞争力不足 4
2.2 东莞外贸依存度高,易受外来冲击 5
2.3 东莞加工贸易的产业促进作用未充分发挥 5
2.4 东莞加工贸易渠道走私严重 5
2.5 东莞土地资源几近枯竭,生态环境形势严峻 5
2.6 东莞比较优势正在失去 6
3 促进东莞加工贸易发展的对策 6
3.1 促进高新技术产业发展,提高产品竞争力 6
3.2 提高本地劳动附加值,引导加工贸易企业开展内销业务 7
3.3 充分发挥加工贸易对产业的促进作用 7
3.4 防止东莞加工贸易渠道走私 7
3.6 创新东莞比较优势 7
参考文献: 8
Abstract: 8