论文编号:GM564 论文字数:18620.页数:26
摘 要
This paper take the establishment and rapid development of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as the research background, as well as the opportunity to upgrade Zhejiang service industry, according to find questions, analyze problems ,solve troubles , brief analysis to the ASEAN Free Trade Area for the target market of trade in services development in Zhejiang. This paper is divided into four parts; the first part briefly discusses the research background, research ideas and methods. The second part introduced the foundation of the CAFAT zone service trade part and a brief analysis of the potential demand in China-ASEAN as well. The third part compares the situation between Singapore and Zhejiang Province, takes the actual situation of Zhejiang, follow the compare advantages and disadvantages and service industry experience of development countries, and expand the study of development of trade in services. The fourth part learn from the development history of Singapore’s trade in services as one sample, based on the SWOT analysis to find the propose way about the service trade in Zhejiang and try to provide a match trade pattern. In summing up, the last part of the overall discussion paper based on the corresponding conclusions.
KEYWORDS:CAFTA,International trade in services,Exports of services ,Industry Transformation
第一章 引言 1
第一节 研究背景 1
一、东盟自贸区服务市场简述 1
二、浙江服务贸易简述 2
第二节 研究思路与方法 3
一、研究思路 3
二、研究方法 4
第二章 中国东盟自贸区服务产业简介 5
第一节 中国东盟自贸区简介 5
第二节 中国东盟自贸区《服务贸易协议》 6
第三节 东盟自贸区服务产业简介 7
第三章 浙江服务贸易发展方向的思考——以先进国家服务贸易发展方式为借鉴 9
第一节 以新加坡发展模式为借鉴 9
一、新加坡与浙江省的比较分析 9
二、新加坡政府支持服务业发展的经验和做法 11
第二节 美国、欧盟、日本服务业发展简析 12
一、美国服务业发展的经验和特色 12
二、欧盟服务业发展的经验和特色 13
三、日本服务业发展的经验和特色 13
第三节 浙江服务贸易对借鉴与思考 14
第四章 以东盟自贸区市场为目标——浙江服务贸易的SWOT分析 17
第一节 SWOT分析方法概述 17
第二节 浙江服务贸易产业的SWOT分析 18
一、要素列举 18
二、要素分析——构造SWOT矩阵 19
三、发展方向分析 20
第五章 总结 21
【参考文献】 22
致 谢 23