论文编号:GM762 论文字数:26615.页数:47 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译
摘 要
关键词:反抵押贷款 信息不对称 传统家庭观念 房地产 杭州养老保险 道德风险
The 21st century is the century of the ageing of the world .all countries are faced with the problem of the ageing of the population, On one hand, the development of the ageing reducing the workforce, reduced the social labor supply, on the other hand, the direct influence of the ageing of the elderly is the increased number of old people,with social burden increasing. In the western word, the implementation of reverse mortgage has opened up new avenues pension for the elderly .So far, some countries, mainly the United States, have adopted the practice of anti-mortgage loans to solve a lot of elderly pension issues.
China''s aging problem is quite severe, at present the proportion of China''s elderly population has reached 11 percents. It is estimated in the year of 2015, the population aged over 60 will be over 200 million, accounting for about 14% of the total population. The status and trends the ageing of are Optimistic, while China''s current development of the social security system is imperfect, with narrow the scope of radiation. Some scholars have suggested the application of reverse mortgage loans On this basis. This article focuses on the limitations of the implementation of reverse mortgage loans in HangZhou, divided into six chapters: ChapterI, Introduction, introducing the significance of topics the status of study, the way to study, the innovation. chapterII, introduce the basic concept, theoretical foundation of the reverse mortatge. ChapterIII, introduce there different reverse mortgage operations, including the United States, Singapore, Japan ChapterIV, introduce the situation of HangZhou ageing
ChapterV, introduce the limitations of the implementation of reverse mortgage loans in Hangzhou, which is divided into five parts: First, from the reverse mortatge’s limitation and the development of insurance in China to analysis the limitation of the reverse mortatge.
Second according to the actual situation of real estate in HangZhou
to analysis the limitation of the reverse mortatge.
Third, from the socialism to analysis the limitation of the reverse mortatge, including asymmetric information and endowment insurance .In the analysis of asymmetric information,the chapter is related with the concept of credit of Chinese people.
Finally, from the traditional culture of family values to analyze their limitations, Including it may cause the traditional Chinese "filial piety" culture shock to apply the reverse mortatge ,in some developed countries,it is a major way to support the old people for the whole society, and we should commit there are differences between the concept of America and China.
Chapter VI, according to the situation of HangZhou and the situation of the aging to suggest a suitable way for old people to self-help: rent
KEYWORDS: reserve mortgage Asymmetric information Traditional family values Real estate endowment insurance of HangZhou moral hazard
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 选题背景和选题意义 1
第二节 研究现状 2
第三节 研究方法 3
第四节 创新点 3
第二章 反抵押贷款(RM)的概述和理论基础 4
第一节 反抵押贷款(RM)的概述 4
第二节 反抵押贷款的理论基础 6
第三章 反抵押贷款在不同国家应用 7
第一节 反抵押贷款在美国的应用 7
第二节 反抵押贷款在新加坡 10
第三节 反抵押贷款在日本 10
第四章 杭州老龄化情况 11
第一节 杭州经济状况 11
第二节 杭州老龄化情况 12
第五章 反抵押贷款在杭州实行的局限性 16
第一节 反抵押贷款实施重要因素—保险业 16
第二节 杭州房地产现状来阐述反抵押贷款实施的局限性 17
第三节 中国传统文化中的信用缺失 21
第四节 从杭州目前养老保险制度来阐述社会养老意识在加强 23
第五节 中国传统文化中的家庭观念给反抵押贷款实施带来的局限性 24
第六节 小结 31
第六章 出租——老年人的自助选择 32
第一节 根据实际情况提出养老模型 32
参考文献 34
致谢 36