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论文编号:GM411  论文字数:14202.页数:23

摘  要


关键词:  温州鞋业   出口   反倾销   原因  对策


   With China''s rapid economic growth and continued trading surplus, China''s foreign trade developed rapidly, at the same time, the exports of China have encountered more frequent anti-dumping. In recent years, Chinese  products have still take the  advantage of price  instead of others in competitive edge, because the progress of science and technology can  not  be completed overnight. It means that in  the future  our country will unavoidably  become the main target of anti-dumping in the international trade . How to effectively deal with anti-dumping, safeguard their economic interests, maintain and expand international markets, is the important issues
 In this paper,  Wenzhou as the country''s largest shoe production base, become the economic research target. Due to its own characteristics and the international environment, this paper conclude the reasons and the measures of how to deal with anti-dumping. The government, intermediary organizations and enterprises are built together to prevent the respondent''s anti-dumping system, to protect the legitimate country  and corporate interests

KEYWORDS: Wenzhou shoes industry       Export
    Anti-dumping    Reasons    Responding strategy

第一章   引言…………………………………………………………...... 1
第一节      倾销的定义……………………………………………………….2
第二节      反倾销的定义……………………………………………………..2
第一节      温州鞋业出口现状以及特点…………………………………….....4
第二节      温州鞋业频繁遭反倾销的危害…………………………………… .5
第四章   温州鞋企频繁遭反倾销的原因………………………………...7
第一节      企业缺乏品牌文化…………………………………………….......7
第二节      出口市场集中,风险增大……………………………………….....7
第三节      低价的客观存在是引起反倾销诉讼的关键………………………….8
第四节      国内企业自我保护意识差,预警机制不完善………………….…….8

第五节      深层次原因:国家之间的利益冲突……….………………………..9
第五章   温州鞋企应如何应对反倾销….…..………………………..…10
第一节      提高产品技术含量和附加值战略……………………………….....10
第二节      走品牌化的的道路,在海外建立生产和研发基地………….……....10
第三节      实施多元化的的市场战略………………………………….……..12
第四节       建立和完善企业层面的反倾销预警…………………………….....12
第五节       针对欧盟的特殊情况,实现“曲线救国”……………… ..……...13
第六节       政府和行业协会在应对反倾销时的职能……………………….….13
一、           迅速建立有效的反倾销预警机制………………………………....13
二 、          转变外贸增长方式,努力提升出口产业的国际竞争力………...…...14
三、           全力加强经济外交,维护和增进对外经济利益...………………….15
第六章   总结………………………………………………………….....16

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