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论文编号:GM456  论文字数:9884.页数:16


关键词:反倾销  轻纺  原因  对策

 Textile industry is the most rapid development of international trade one of the areas,With China''s rapid economic development, as well as by China''s accession to the WTO impact on China''s textile at an alarming rate in the development of。In particular, the development of Zhejiang''s textile fastest, because from the cheap labour and good quality made at the international competition in the possession obvious advantage,But many countries to protect their own business interests to take the anti-dumping. So that Zhejiang textile enterprises have suffered great loss. In this paper, use of anti-dumping theories and views of the textile enterprises in Zhejiang Province as an example, from the perspective of the overall anti-dumping reasons, and with empirical research methods and deep-seated reasons for analysis of textile enterprises in Zhejiang by the anti-dumping reasons, with the final anti-dumping And because of various views from both micro-and macro-made textile enterpries in Zhejiang how toresolve anti-dumping measures proposed.

Key words: Anti-dumping    textile  reason  countermeasure

目  录
第一章 引言 1
第二章 反倾销的基本概念分析 2
第三章 关于对中国反倾销的情况 4
第四章 反倾销对浙江轻纺的影响 6
第五章 浙江轻纺企业如何解决反倾销其的影响 11
第一节 政府如何解决反倾销对浙江轻纺的影响  11
第二节 浙江轻纺企业如何解决反倾销对其的影响 11
参考文献 13
致 谢

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