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论文编号:GM149    论文字数:11461,页数:16

摘   要

[关键词] 贸易战略、初级品出口、进口替代、出口导向、战略转型




    The foreign trade strategy gradually develops both with the human’s long history, the trade strategy is a country or the area economic development strategy of basic component, which shows a country or local leading ideology of foreign trade. The different trade strategy has the significant influence to a country’s economy growth and the adjustment of industrial structure; Trade strategy, also is the vital point of whole developmental strategy of national economy. Our country has also experienced the repeated difficulties in the foreign trade course. Under the condition that Chain has joined WTO and the world speeds up the economical globalization unceasingly, China''s foreign trade strategy had to obey the international economy environment China’s national economy need to develop at the time. This needs us analysis from the theory to the practice of the international trade, and unifies the Chinese present economical development and make the trade strategy optimization ,explores the new trade strategy and the idea, enhances the Chinese foreign trade from the quality and the benefit, realizes comprehensively, coordinately ,and the sustainable development of foreign trade economy.

[Key words] Trade Strategy; Primary Exportation; Import Substitution; Exportation  Guidance;  Strategy  Transfer


 目   录

1  贸易发展战略的综述 .....................................2
1.1 初级品出口战略 ........................................2
1.2 进口替代发展战略 (Import Substitution) ................3
1.3 制成品出口导向战略 ....................................5
2  中国对外贸易发展战略回顾(1978~2006)................... 6
3  新世纪中国对外贸易发展环境 .............................8
3.1 有利的发展环境 ........................................8
3.2  对外贸易发展的不利因素............................... 8
4 正确认识我国外贸发展中存在的问题 ........................10
4.1 外贸占国内生产总值的比重问题 ..........................10
4.2 加工贸易发展问题 ......................................11
4.3 认识贸易顺差问题 ......................................12
5  中国对外贸战略调整的基本思路 ...........................13
参考文献 ..................................................15
致   谢 ...................................................16

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