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论文编号:GM474  论文字数:11842.页数:22



China slowdown in economic grows under the international financial crisis. To this end, our government hope to expand domestic demand through measures to stimulate economic growth to implemented a proactive fiscal policy. The state department agreed to issue 200 billion yuan bonds issued by ministry of finance agency to match funds to enhance local government arrangements and to expand investment capacity. Enhance the liquidity of municipal bonds, not only can reduce the cost of local government financing and risk , but also promote the development of financial markets.

 this paper study the problem of the municipal bond market liquidity shortfall under the international financial crisis and take measures to enhance the liquidity of municipal bonds such as collecting stock market capital gains tax.

KEYWORDS:municipal bonds, liquidity , solutions

第一章   前言 1
一.研究背景和意义 1
二. 研究思路和研究方法 2
第二章     市政债券概述 3
一.市政债券简述 3
二. 市政债券的发展及现状 4
第三章    发行政府债券的理论基础及必要性 6
一. 发行市政债券的理论基础 6
二. 发行市政债券的必要性 7
第四章  市政债券存在的问题及对策 11
一. 市政债券的风险种类 11
二. 流动性的重要性 12
三.导致流动性不足的原因 12
四. 提高市政债券流动性的措施 13
五.债券市场的监管 15
第五章     总结 16
一. 完善法制法规,明确责任追究制度 16
二. 加强中央对地方政府债务监管 16
三. 大力完善资本市场,进一步重视发挥中介的作用 16
【参考文献】 17
致    谢 18

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