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论文编号:DZ003       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11807,页数:19

摘   要

本文主要研究医药行业电子商务的模式。文章从医药电子商务的产生、发展入手,通过对我国医药市场的现状进行调研、分析,较为系统地比较传统医药商务和医药电子商务的差异,据此对我国发展医药电子商务的可行性进行了论证。结合我国国情和医药行业的现状,分析现有的两种医药电子商务(B2B, B2C)模式特点,证明了这两种模式目前并不适合我国国情,进而本文提出了适合我国现阶段医药行业电子商务的新型B2B2C模式。B2B2C模式在物流、资金流、信息流、安全性等方面较B2B,B2C模式有着明显的优势,特别是较为妥当地解决了配送和支付问题。总的说来,本文提出的B2B2C医药电子商务模式是适合于我国国情和医药行业现状的新型电子商务解决方案。

【关键词】  医药电子商务       B2B     B2C       B2B2C



Medicine industry is one of four big priority technological innovation industry. At the same time, from the respective of standard, the medicine industry is internationally considered as an industry suitable to develop E-business. It is a great tendency for the development of medicine e-business.
This text mainly studies the models of the e-business in medicine industry. The article starts with the emergence and development of e-business in medicine industry, the present condition of the medicine market in our country which carries on investigation and analysis, and performs systematic comparison of the differences between traditional medicine and E-business medicine. The paper conducts a feasibility studies on the development of medicine E-business in China, analyses the characteristics of two medicine E-business models based on the current national situation and medicine industry in China. The paper then proves that neither of the two modes(B2B and B2C) adapts to the current situation of our country. So the paper puts forward a new medicine E-business model, B2B2C. This model, compared with B2B or B2C mode, has obvious superiority in many factors such as information flow, cash flow, logistics and security, especially solving the problems of distribution and payment. In conclusion, the B2B2C model mentioned in this article is a new solution of E-business adapting to the situation of our country and the present condition of medicine industry.

【Key Words】   Medicine E-business    B2B     B2C     B2B2C


目  录

引言 ...................................................2
1研究的理论基础 ........................................2
1.1 电子商务的概念 .....................................2
1.2 医药电子商务的含义 .................................3
2  国内外医药电子商务发展的概述 ........................3
2. 1国内医药电子商务发展现状 ...........................3
2. 2 国外医药电子商务发展现状 ..........................3
3  医药电子商务与传统医药商务的比较 ....................4
3 .1 传统医药商务活动的概念与特征 ......................4
3. 2 医药电子商务与传统医药商务的比较 ..................5
4  现有医药电子商务模式................................ 9
4.1 医药电子商务B 2 B模式分析 ..........................9
4.2 医药电子商务B2C模式分析 ............................10
5  医药电子商务BBC模式可行性分析 .......................11
5.1医药电子商务BBC模式的提出 ...........................11
5.2 医药电子商务BBC模式存在的环境分析 ..................12
5.3 医药电子商务BBC模式经济效益分析 ....................13
5.4 B2B2C模式与B2B模式的比较存在优势 ...................14
5.5 B2B2C模式与B2C模式的比较存在优势 ...................15
参考文献 ...............................................18
致 谢 ..................................................19

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