论文编号:GM820 论文字数:18946.页数:34
摘 要
关键词:婴童产业 发展经验 启示 建议
Learn from the Experience in Baby Industry of Foreign Countries and Its Inspiration to China
With the sustained economic growth in China, people''s consumption level is increasing. China, as the most populous country in the world, is facing the fourth wave of baby boomers, baby industry in China is embracing a bright prospect. However, the current situation of baby industry in China is still in the elementary stage. There exist some obstacles to establish a sound development of baby industry, such as the imperfect relevant legislations and the industrial regulations, structural imbalances, the irrational concept of consumption, the lack of business integrity and so on. Especially in recent years, baby food safety hazards occur in China frequently, there cause a trust crisis on baby food in China. Foreign countries started baby industry a century earlier than that in China. According to the world top 500, there are 8 foreign enterprises with baby business, the experience of baby industry of foreign countries has a certain reference for the mit-gehen in our country.
Through comparative analysis of macroeconomic environment of baby industry between China and foreign countries, characteristics of infant formula industry as well as the experience of industry leader, the author summarizes the inspirations to China and proposed some recommendations in the development of domestic baby industry according to China’s own characteristics.
Keywords:Baby Industry Experience Inspiration Recommendation
目 录
摘 要 II
1 前言 1
2 国内外婴童产业的宏观环境的对比 3
2.1各国需求分析 3
2.1.1德日进入“银发经济” 4
2.1.2美澳婴童消费需求增势有限 4
2.1.3中国婴童产业迎来牛市 4
2.2各国政府的重视程度 5
2.2.1美国 5
2.2.2德国 5
2.2.3中国 6
2.2.4总结 6
2.3婴童消费结构分析 7
2.3.1中美澳三国婴童消费结构对比 7
2.3.2中美玩具消费差异 7
2.4中美顾客对婴童产品重视程度对比分析 8
2.4.1重视程度高——良性循环 8
2.4.2重视程度低——恶性循环 8
3 国外婴幼儿奶粉行业发展经验及其对我国的启示 9
3.1行业门槛高 9
3.1.1美国 9
3.1.2德国 9
3.2竞争格局——大牌鼎立 9
3.2.1美国 9
3.2.2德国 10
3.2.3日本 10
3.2.4瑞士 10
3.3严谨与科学的安全监管机制 10
3.3.1美国 10
3.3.2德国 12
3.3.3荷兰 13
3.3.4意大利 13
3.4严格把关奶源地 14
3.4.1知名品牌主要奶源地列表 14
3.4.2新西兰奶源情况 14
3.5该经验对我国的启示 15
3.5.1选择多VS选择少 15
3.5.2机构多VS机构少 15
3.5.3检验制度多样化 15
4 国外领军企业的发展经验及其对我国的启示 16
4.1美赞臣 16
4.1.1公司简介 16
4.1.2美赞臣全程管理模式 16
4.1.3美赞臣——脑部发育专家 18
4.1.4该经验对我国的启示 18
4.2雅培 19
4.2.1雅培简介 19
4.2.2雅培北美主动召回 19
4.2.3该经验对我国的启示 20
4.3强生 21
4.3.1强生简介 21
4.3.2用心构筑的网络营销 21
4.3.3该经验对我国的启示 22
4.4美泰 22
4.4.1美泰简介 22
4.4.2芭比神话 22
4.4.3芭比神话对我国的启示 23
4.4.4美泰与时俱进的危机公关 23
4.4.5美泰危机公关处理对我国的启示 23
4.5国外领军企业的发展经验对我国启示的总结 24
5 中国婴童产业发展建议 24
5.1 中国政府保持持续的高度重视 24
5.2研习国外质量监控措施,引用或创造新的措施为本国所用 24
5.3 建立心型企业 25
5.4 从红海到蓝海 25
5.5 填补品牌与公关建设的空白 25
5.6消费观念的引导 25
6 结 语 26
参考文献 27
谢 辞 28