论文编号:GM650 论文字数:19378.页数:28
关键词:杭州 加工贸易 发展 转型 对策
This text mainly surrounds processing trade development in Hangzhou and carries on a research to the influence of the Hangzhou economic development. Communist Party put forward developing processing trade in 16 three, guide a processing trade transformation to get stripe, is exactly for leading processing trade exactitude a development. Under this background, many scholars get stripe to make a thorough research to the processing trade transformation, for our country the ability quickly pushes a processing trade transformation to get stripe to put forward many precious suggestions. This text aims at the research of economy in Hangzhou is exactly also for putting forward a valid opinion to the further development of Hangzhou processing trade business.
First, we will know the development of the processing trade business and the development condition of the economy in Hangzhou completely, understand processing trade to make an a lot of contributions to Hangzhou. It promoted economic of growth, alleviated employment pressure and be advantageous to an industrial structure of excellent turn. But in the meantime, the processing trade also appears the problem which can not be for ignored, pounds at traditional industry, turns worse trade friction, causes an unfair competition, stirs up a smuggle behavior,etc, they influence Hangzhou economic normally develop. Second, we research the driving force to promote transformation of Hangzhou processing trade, the pressure on RMB appreciation, the implementation of the new labour law, the new adjustment of the introduction of processing trade policy, make great influences to the development of the Hangzhou processing trade, and Hangzhou Export Processing Zone contributes to the development of the economy And processing trade business. Finally aim at a problem with currently circumstance, put forward a countermeasure for the get stripe of Hangzhou processing trade development.
Keyword: Hangzhou ; processing trade ; development;transformation ;countermeasure
第一章 导言 1
第一节 课题研究的背景 1
第二节 课题研究的目的与意义 1
第三节 研究的思路与方法 2
第四节 本文的内容与结构 2
第二章 对加工贸易的认识及研究其促进作用 3
第一节 我国加工贸易的概念 3
第二节 加工贸易的特点 3
第三节 加工贸易对杭州经济发展的贡献 4
一、杭州加工贸易事业的发展情况 4
二、加工贸易的贡献研究 6
第三章 杭州加工贸易存在的问题和分析其产生原因 9
第一节 杭州加工贸易存在的问题 9
一、加工贸易产业结构不合理,影响传统产业发展 9
二、加剧国际贸易摩擦 9
三、降低加工费,导致恶性竞争 10
四、走私活动日益猖獗 10
第二节 产生不良问题的原因 10
一、杭州加工贸易发展滞后,规模小,比重低,缺乏应有的竞争力 10
二、加工贸易政策不完善,监管力度不够 11
三、加工贸易优惠政策的影响 11
四、加工贸易的局限性 11
第四章 推动杭州加工贸易转型升级因素 12
第一节 人民币升值压力的推动作用 12
一、人民币升值的情况 12
二、人民币升值对贸易的影响 12
三、人民币升值压力能够推动加工贸易转型 12
第二节 《劳动合同法》的影响 13
一、《劳动合同法》的概述 13
二、《劳动合同法》对加工贸易的影响 13
第三节 新调整加工贸易政策的影响 14
第四节 杭州出口加工区的发展及贡献 14
一、杭州出口加工区的概况 15
二、杭州出口加工区的贡献 15
第五章 发展杭州加工贸易的对策 18
第一节 完善加工贸易政策,正确引导发展方向 18
一、响应国家调整加工贸易政策 18
二、进一步研究和制定合理的加工贸易政策 18
三、继续加强海关监管力度,做好打击走私工作 18
第二节 在国家政策指导下,提高技术水平,增强自身能力 19
一、企业要及时掌握加工贸易有关政策 19
二、企业应该提高加工技术水平 19
三、企业应自我增强能力 20
第三节 进一步发展杭州出口加工区 20
结束语 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24