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论文编号:TM092   论文字数:13906,页数:85  附开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译,CAD图

[摘要] 本工程是浙江某工业厂房,为多层钢筋混凝土框架结构。主体4层,局部5层。底层层高6.0米,2~4其层层高均为3.9米,5层层高4.1米。建筑物总高度为22.40米。

The Design of a Multi-layer Reinforced Concrete Frame
[Abstract]  This is a building of a factory in Yong wei. It is a multi-layer reinforced concrete frame. It has five stories, the height of the first storey is6.0 meters, and the second storey to the forth storey are all 3.9 meters ,the fifth storey is 4.1 meters. The height of the whole building is 4.1 meters.
 This paper includes the following parts:
 1. The survey of the program.
 2. The design of the floor slab.
 3. The calculation of the load.
 4.The mechanical analysis,calculation and design of the frame.
 5. The design of the staircase.
 6. The design of the pile base.
 There are 8 structure drawings besides this paper.

reinforced concrete, frame, the design of the structure


目  录
中文摘要 І
Abstract Ⅱ
多层钢筋混凝土框架结构设计 I
目  录 III
1 工程概况 1
1.1  工程概况 1
2 楼盖计算 2
2.1  梁板布置 2
2.2 板的内力计算 3
3 框架结构布置及计算简图 7
3.1 梁柱尺寸 7
3.2 计算简图 7
3.3 梁柱线刚度  7
4 恒荷载内力计算 9
4.1 恒荷载计算 9
4.2 恒载作用下内力计算 13
5 活荷载内力计算 27
5.1、活荷载计算 27
5.2 活荷载作用下内力计算 28
6 风荷载内力计算 41
6.1 风荷载计算 41
6.2 内力计算 42
7 内力组合 46
7.1 梁内力组合 46
7.2柱内力组合 50
柱内力组合计算表 50
8 截面设计 54
8.1 梁截面设计 54
8.2 柱截面设计 58
计算要点: 59
8.2.4 柱斜截面承载力计算 63
9 楼梯设计 66
9.1底层楼梯设计 66
10 基础设计 72
10.1 单桩承载力计算 72
10.2 荷载标准组合值计算 72
10.3 基础计算 73
致 谢 78
参考文献 79

  • 上一篇资讯: 某六层商住宅框架设计
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