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论文编号:GM490  论文字数:14465.页数:21

摘  要

关键词:黄金     投资价值       价格    美元

 With the increasing crisis in the United States Ciji Zhai, a series of lower dollar index, gold and preserve and increase the function of more and more investors hedge functionality by value, gold traders and speculators are buying a lot of promotion of the series up. Against such a backdrop, the anti-inflation gold as a hard currency is undoubtedly one of the better choice. Because of the special attributes of gold makes investment is very rich, both the monetary gold, gold investment, the value of gold to three functions. Investment in gold has many advantages such as the lightest tax burden of investment projects, facilitate the transfer of property rights, the world''s best varieties collateral to maintain the value of a long, the fight against the inflation of the best weapons, it is very difficult in the gold market Makers , No time limit, may at any time transactions.
KEYWORDS: Gold   Investment value   Price   U.S.dollars 


第一章  引言……………………………………………………………..1
 第一节  选题意义……………………………………………………….1
第二章   黄金基本面分析……………………………………………….2
 (一)从黄金历年供需情况来看 2
 (三)黄金流向改变 2
第三章  黄金投资价值及优势 4
第四章  外部环境的影响………………………………………………8
 第一节  美国经济的影响 8
 第二节  人民币汇率改革的影响………………………………………….9
第五章  黄金期现套利机会,技术面分析及后市展望……………..12
第六章  价值回归投机依存…………………………………………..13
第七章  个人投资者炒金应该注意的问题…………………………..14
 第一节  投资和投机心理的防范性…………………………..………….14
参考文献………………………………………………………………. 17
致谢…………………………………….………………………………  18

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