论文编号:GM786 论文字数:19084.页数:29
Investment, consumption and export are generally considered to be three carriages stimulating economic growth. With the integration of the world economy and globalization, trade between countries and areas is growing rapidly, and foreign trade is playing an increasingly important role in one economy. Based on the relevant data of Hunan from 1985 to 2005, this paper analyzed effect of foreign trade on economic growth in Hunan from a qualitative perspective and found that the effect was small, after a historical analysis on foreign trade and economic growth. Then, with the help of Eviews3.1, from a quantitative point of view, the paper did an empirical research on the relationship between foreign trade and economic growth of Hunan by using approaches of regression analysis, co-integration technique and Granger-causality test. It is found that, there exists a comparatively strong correlation among import, export and GDP in Hunan, there also exists a long-term, stable, balanced relationship among them, and import growth, export growth and foreign trade growth are not Granger reasons for GDP growth, however, GDP growth is Granger reason for import growth, export growth and foreign trade growth; export growth is Granger reason for import growth, but import growth is not Granger reason for the growth of export. Finally, based on the conclusions, some suggestions were made for the interactive development of foreign trade and economy of Hunan.
Key words:Foreign trade; Economic growth; Regression analysis; Co-integration test; Causality relationship
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 研究背景与问题的提出 3
1.2 研究目的和意义 3
1.3 研究现状及方法 4
第2章 湖南对外贸易与经济增长的历史分析 7
2.1 湖南对外贸易与经济增长历史数据 7
2.2 湖南对外贸易与经济增长历史透视 9
2.3 历史分析结论 10
第3章 对外贸易对湖南经济增长的效应分析 11
3.1 对外贸易对经济增长的效应的分析方法 11
3.2 对外贸易对经济增长的效应的经济分析 11
3.3 对外贸易对湖南经济增长的效应的统计分析 11
3.4 效应分析结论 12
第4章 湖南对外贸易与经济增长的回归分析 13
4.1 变量的设定与去异方差 13
4.2 回归模型的建立及预测 14
4.3 回归分析结论 16
第5章 湖南对外贸易与经济增长的格兰杰因果关系分析 17
5.1 格兰杰因果关系分析的基本原理 17
5.2 变量的平稳性检验 18
5.3 变量的协整检验 19
5.4 变量的格兰杰因果关系分析 21
5.5 格兰杰因果关系分析结论 22
第6章 促进湖南对外贸易与经济互动发展的建议 23
6.1 充分发挥对外贸易“发动机”效应 23
6.2 大力增加外贸出口 23
6.3 全面提升进口水平 24
6.4 积极转变外贸增长方式 24
6.5 努力克服外部不利因素影响 25
结论 26
结束语 27
参考文献 28