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论文编号:GM834  论文字数:13112
相关论文:国际营销在家具行业的应用与研究 关于漳州市家具行业的调查报告
摘  要


Economic integral whole in the world turns, bringing Chinese economy development opportunity. The huge international furniture market provided new stage for the development of our country furniture industry. At the same time, in the drastic international market, there are a series of international trade barriers, and the upheaval of domestic social, economy, policy, humanities environment.  The one - up Chinese furniture industry has been confronted simultaneously with development bottleneck as above mentioned. Thus, the purpose of this essay is to deeply analyze the actuality and restrictive factors of the state by internal and external environments, then put forward some constructive suggestions for further improvement of Chinese furniture industry by analyzing its developing change.

Keywords: export of Chinese furniture, international trade barrier, business enterprise management, independent brand

目 录
1 目前我国家具行业的现状1
2 家具业在出口中所面临的困境及具体分析4
2.1 国外绿色壁垒日益突出,双反调查愈演愈烈,贸易摩擦增多4
2.2 人民币持续升值,外销价格优势下降7
2.3 国内原材料价格上涨,劳动力成本加大,导致企业成本上涨8
2.4 国家为缓解国际矛盾,调整出口产业结构而推出一系列新政策8
2.5 国内家具原创性低、自主品牌少10
2.6 粗放的经营方式,缺乏有效管理,低生产率带来低效益11
2.7 缺乏世界级的展览会12
3 因势利导,积极应对14
3.1 全面了解各种贸易壁垒的“游戏规则”,积极应对14
3.2 加强管理,改善技术,提高劳动生产率以降低生产成本15
3.3 调整产品结构,创建自主品牌,提高竞争优势16
3.4 及时了解国家政策,并根据政策及时做出调整17
4 结束语19

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