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论文编号:GM163     论文字数:8589,页数:12

摘    要


[关键词] 机电产品  出口 稳定增长 对策研究



The import and export of highly technology-intensive and value-adding mechanical and electrical products is not only the extension of technology trade but also the origin of service trade. Establishing competitive edges in mechanical and electrical Industry and expanding import and export thereof have become the key incentive for many countries to develop economy and increase international competitiveness. For Jiangxi Province, the continuous and rapid growth of mechanical and electrical product export in recent years is encouraging but never sufficient to exempt all problems. As a matter of fact, some major problems do exist behind all these achievements, e.g. unreasonable structure of export products, difficulty in export promotion, vicious competition among companies for export, etc. So it is highly necessary to make proper guidelines, clear-cut strategic goals to enhance the world-wide competitiveness of Jiangxi mechanical and electrical products to settle such problems. This thesis mainly analyzes the problem of Jiangxi''s mechanical and electrical products exportation. The first part presents the current situation and characteristics of Jiangxi''s mechanical and electrical products exportation and analyzes its status in Jiangxi''s foreign trade. Then in second part the author analyzes the problems existing in the development from eight aspects such as financing, technology and searching for new market etc. At last the author puts forward the strategic goals, key points and policy suggestions on enlarging the import and export of Jiangxi''s mechanical and electrical products.

[Key Words] Mechanical and Electrical Products; Export; Steady Growth; Strategy Research


目  录
1.江西省机电产品出口的现状 ..........................................2
1 . 1 中国机电产品出口现状 ...........................................2
1.2 江西省机电产品出口现状 ...........................................2
2.江西省机电产品出口存在的问题 ......................................3
2.1 融资渠道不畅,多数机电企业缺乏资金支持........................... 4
2.2 技术水平比较低,技改、研发费用不足 ...............................4
2.3 商标注册意识不强,售后服务机构有待完善 ...........................5
2.4 开拓国际市场能力不强 .............................................5
2.5 出口市场竞争激烈,主要依靠低价竞争策略 ...........................5
2.6 部分企业后劲不足 .................................................6
2.7 宏观经济对出口影响较大 ...........................................6
2.8 社会环境、外部条件和鼓励企业走向国际市场方面有待完善 .............6
3.促进机电产品出口的具体措施和建议.................................. 6
3.1 提高认识,增强机电产品出口工作的责任感和使命感 ...................7
3.2 落实政策,努力营造促进机电产品出口的宽松环境 .....................7
3.3 大力推动技术创新.加快产品结构升级 ...............................8
3.4 积极引进外资,大力发展加工贸易 ...................................8
3.5 科学定位,着重抓好国际市场开拓工作 ...............................9
3.6 实施“数字工程”,加速推进外经贸系统信息化建设 ...................9
3.7 充分发挥企业在创建品牌的主导作用 .................................10
3.8 加强对企业的服务,引导企业应对贸易壁垒和贸易磨擦 .................10
3.9 加强管理、练好内功 ...............................................10
参考文献 .............................................................11
致   谢 ..............................................................12

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