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论文编号:GM023    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:18300,页数:23

摘    要


【关键词 】 江西有机农产品   出口   现状   对策  


This paper discusses the current situation, problems and measures in developing organic food export in Jiangxi province. The paper is divided into five parts. The main topic is organic food. Firstly, it describes the general introduction of organic agriculture, the concept of the organic agriculture. The concept of organic, pollution-free and environment-friendly food are discussed and compared. Organic agriculture, routine agriculture and traditional agriculture are compared with each other, and the prospect of organic agriculture is analyzed. Secondly, the current export situation of organic food is discussed from Jiangxi, China, and the world in the three angles respectively. Then it describes the advantages of the outward development organic food, agricultural advantages, natural and ecological resources the food, and the geographical structure. The fourth part analyses the basic problem in developing organic food export. The last part is the advices for how to strengthen the development of organic food export. The measures proposed include how to make a long term plan for the development of the organic food, how to establish the organic food base for export and so on.
【key words 】Organic food;Jiangxi province;Export;Current situation;Measures


目  录
1  有机农业的概述 .............................................3
1.1有机农业的产生及发展 .......................................3
1.2有机食品,绿色食品和无公害产品的区别和联系 .................3
1.3有机农业,与传统农业的区别和联系 ...........................4
1.4国内外相关文献的综述....................................... 6
2 国际有机食品的市场及江西有机农产品出口现状 ..................8
2.1国际有机农产品发展状况及市场前景 ...........................8
2.2江西有机农产品的发展状况及出口现状 .........................9
3  江西发展有机农业的优势..................................... 10
3.1自然和生态环境优势 .........................................11
3.2江西是个农产品出口大省 .....................................11
3.3 具有优越的地理结构 .......................................11
3.4农村劳动力资源丰富、价廉 ..................................12
3.5有机食品产业已有一定基础.................................. 12
4  江西省发展外向型有机农业存在的问题 ........................14
4.1企业缺乏有机意识,缺乏国际认证............................. 14
4.2有机农业开发投入不足,有机农业培育基地少 ...................14
4.3有机食品产品结构不合理,品牌缺少 ...........................15
4.4规模小且分散,难以形成标准化的批量生产 .....................16
4.5产品储运不便,运输系统不健全 ...............................16
4.6有机农业生产技术缺乏 ......................................17
5  江西扩大有机农产品出口的对策 ...............................18
5.1 制定有机食品的发展规划 ....................................18
5.2借鉴国际经验,建立有机农业发展支持体系 .....................19
5.3培育有机农产品的出口基地 ...................................19
5.4 加大有机食品的宣传,拓展有机食品在国际上的销售渠道........ 20
5.5 争取获得更多的国际认证 ....................................21
参考文献...................................................... 22
致   谢....................................................... 23

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