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论文编号:GM467  论文字数:18272.页数:28

摘 要




 Since the 21st century, with the quick step of economic globalization, the technological innovation is playing a more and more vital role in the fierce international competition. Directed by the theory of international trade based on this article combines together positive study and normative study with the Practice of export growth after the reform and open policy in China and mainly analyzes and studies the relationships between technological innovation and export behavior. This Paper firstly introduces the international trade models related with technology and technological innovation, and then investigate the influence mechanism of technological innovation and the export trade. Secondly, it analyzes present situation of China's technological innovation and foreign trade performance, and obtains a tentatively relationships of technological innovation and the export performance, Thirdly, it uses China's data and carries on the empirical examination between innovation and export performance, and obtains a quantitatively result. Fourthly, based on above findings, it Put forward some proposal on China's technological innovation policy and the trade policy.
KEYWORDS:technical innovation    export trade    R&D    High- and new-tech industries

第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究背景及意义 1
第二节 相关文献综述 1
 一、技术创新与国际贸易理论评述 2
 二、技术创新的相关理论 2
第三节 与技术相关的国际贸易理论 4
 一、古典贸易理论 4
 二、新古典贸易理论 5
 三、新贸易理论 6
 四、基于技术条件下的贸易模式 6
 五、技术作为外生变量条件下的贸易模式 6
 六、技术作为内生变量条件下的贸易模式 7
第二章 浙江出口贸易与技术创新发展现状分析 8
第一节 浙江贸易的发展现状 8
第二节 浙江贸易出口结构特点 8
第三节 浙江技术创新发展现状 10
 一、技术创新投入现状 10
 二、技术创新产出现状 11
第四节 浙江省技术创新对浙江省出口贸易的作用 12
第三章 技术创新对浙江贸易出口贸易影响的实证研究 14
第一节 实证研究以及计量分析 14
第二节 结果分析 16
第四章 对浙江鼓励技术创新政策的建议 17
第一节 加强R&D资金投入 17
第二节 调整R&D的经费支出方式 18
第三节 加强人力资本投入 19
第四节 加强高科技行业的技术创新 19
第五章 总结 21

参考文献 22
致    谢 23

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