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论文编号:GM396  论文字数:23271.页数:31

关键词:   汽车零部件   钻石模型  产业竞争力
    With the fact that the international new pattern appears on entire vehicle industry, a few large-scale international automobiles enterprise begins to purchase component and part on a global scale , and the Chinese manufacturing industry having cost advantage will be brought into automobile spare part of the whole world supply chain. But the outbreak of financial crisis affects to automobile industry, which brings about the certain negative effect to the upstream of the  automobile spare at the same time. Under the more complicated external  environment at present, Tai Zhou takes the first batch automobile and the spare part of the export base automobile spare part industry, which is important strategy significance for the synthetical competitiveness of Tai Zhou automobile industry to maintain the health development of Tai Zhou automobile  spare part industry .
    This article takes the object of study by the Taizhou automobile spare part industry, which borrows “the diamond model”of the Porter  as the fundamental analytical framework, and carries on the comprehensive analysis to the Taizhou automobile spare part industry from the influence industry competitiveness'' four essential essential factors and two variable aspects , which indicates Tai Zhou automobile spare part industry is obvious cluster advantage, as well as the resources of  the rich labour force , but at the same time there are some inferior positions that enterprise scale also is small, the technology development ability is weak , the added value product is low. Demonstration of Tai Zhou Fang Ke automobile component company analyses at the same time be tied in wedlock, and based on this from the government and the enterprise two stratification planes proposed that the pointed strategy and the suggestion, I hope that it can have reference value for hoisting the industry competitiveness of Tai Zhou automobile spare part.

KEYWORDS:Automobile spare part ;Diamond model ;Industrial               competitiveness

第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题的背景 1
第二节 选题的目的和意义 2
第三节 研究方法和框架 3
第二章 相关研究综述 4
第一节 关于产业竞争力分析的研究 4
第二节 关于汽车零部件产业的研究 6
第三节 小结 8
第三章 “钻石模型”的简述及实例应用 9
第一节 波特“钻石模型”简述 9
第二节 波特“钻石模型”的实例应用 10
第四章 台州汽车零部件产业的状况 12
第一节 台州汽车零部件产业的现状分析 12
第二节 台州汽车零部件产业存在的问题 13
第五章  基于“钻石模型”的台州汽车零部件产业竞争力分析—以台州方科汽车部件公司为例 15
第一节 台州汽车零部件产业竞争力影响因素分析 15
第二节 台州方科汽车部件公司概况 20
第三节 “钻石模型”对方科企业竞争战略分析 20
第四节 提升台州汽车零部件产业竞争力的建议 23
第六章  结束语 25
【参考文献】 26
致谢 27

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