论文编号:GM181 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13665,页数:21
摘 要
跨国并购已成为全球资本流动的一个热点,同时也成为了外商直接投资(FDI)增长的主要动力和大型跨国公司的对外直接投资的主要形式。近年来,外资并购我国企业的步伐正在加快, 规模也在加大。外资并购给我国带来的影响既有积极的一面, 也有消极的一面。但从总体上讲, 外资并购我国企业对于我国来讲仍然是利大于弊。
【关键词】全球资本流动 跨国并购 外商直接投资 新思路
Global capital flow is focusing on M & As, which are also the main form and momentum of TNCs’ FDI. Cross border M & As have been increasing in number and size in china , and bring positive and negative influence to domestic economy. Totally, the positive influence is more obvious.
It is an urgent issue for us to cope with the trend of M & A, and to formulate the strategies to facilitate foreign capital. There it is a must for us to explore the trend of M & A, probe the basic rule of M & A so as to improve the quality and efficiency of facilitating foreign capital.
This thesis takes Carlyle acquisition XCMG case as an example, and analyzes the current situation and problems of M & A in China, thus initiates the thoughts of new ideas of foreign investment.
【Key Words】Global capital flow Cross-border M&A FDI New ideas
目 录
前 言 ................................................................2
1. 跨国并购概念及相关理论综述 .........................................2
1.1 跨国并购的概念 .....................................................2
1.2 跨国并购理论综述 ...................................................2
2. 跨国并购现状分析 ...................................................5
2.1 全球跨国并购趋势 ...................................................5
2.2 外资并购在华现状 ...................................................6
2.3 跨国公司在华并购趋势 ...............................................9
3 外资并购案例分析:凯雷收购徐工案 ...................................11
4 . 外资在华并购存在的问题 .............................................14
5.跨国并购趋势下中国利用外资新思路 ...................................15
5.1 逐步健全完善法律体系,完善跨国投资环境 .............................15
5.2 加强资产的评估管理.防止国有资产流失 ...............................16
5.3 加快引导和规范我国的外资并购活动 ...................................16
5.5 加快发展我国的跨国公司,积极应对跨国并购 ...........................17
参考文献 ...............................................................19
致 谢 ................................................................21