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论文编号:GM177  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:14514,页数:23

摘   要
     跨国公司R&D(研究与开发)的国际化是进入21 世纪后跨国公司发展的新态势。这种国际技术转移的新形式既是跨国公司实施其全球化战略的需要,也将会对东道国的经济发展产生深远的影响。中国加入 WTO以来,在各种因素的综合影响下,跨国公司在华的R&D投资的趋势开始逐渐凸现,并且在新的阶段呈现出新的特点。跨国公司在华R&D投入规模不断扩大、层次不断提高,现已成为中国研发体系中的重要组成部分,这既为中国经济发展带来了众多新机遇,但同时也带来了重重挑战。

【关键词】跨国公司 R&D 特点 影响



21st century has witnessed a new trend in transnational corporation’s development- the internationalization of the R&D. On the one hand, this new form of transferring international technology is indispensable to the implementation of TNCs’ globalization strategy; on the other hand, it will also pose a far-reaching impact to the producing country’s economic development. Affected by an integration of different factors, the TNCs’ R&D investment in China has gradually become prominent since China joined the WTO, and is now taking on a new feature under the new stage.
Such investment continues to expand in scale and raise the level, and has already been a crucial component of China’s R&D system. This surely brought new opportunities to China’s economic development, but at the same time, carrying back numerous challenges.
Based on the study of the feature and motivation of TNCs’ transferring R&D to China, this thesis analyzes both its positive and negative influences, which provides a few thoughts for the national enterprises to cope with such transfer. And thereby, to better prepare China to undertake the international R&D transfer and speed up the national enterprises’ development.

【Key words】MNC   R&D  Feature    Influence

 目   录

1    跨国公司R&D转移理论综述 .................................2
2.   跨国公司R&D对华转移的动因 ...............................3
2.1  分享中国良好的R&D环境................................... 4
2.2  降低成本以适应激烈的竞争 ................................5
2.3  接近市场,以本土消费文化为导向开展研发活动 ..............6
2.4  实现更多的技术创新和溢出 ................................7
2.5  规模经济和全球化战略的必然选择 ..........................8
3.   跨国公司R&D对华转移的趋势与特点 .........................8
3.1  跨国公司R&D对华转移的历程和趋势......................... 8
3.2  跨国公司R&D对华转移的特点 ...............................11
4.   跨国公司R&D转移对中国的影响 .............................16
4.1  跨国公司R&D转移对中国的正面影响 .........................16
4.2  跨国公司R&D转移对中国的负面影响 .........................17
5.   中国企业对待跨国公司R&D转移的思路 .......................19
5.1  加强国内企业间合作及构建“灯塔企业” ....................19
5.2  加强与跨国公司的合作 ....................................20
5.3  推行质量创新和争夺人才,增强企业自主创新能力 ............20
参考文献 .....................................................22

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