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论文编号:GM515  论文字数:16954.页数:24


关键词: 跨国公司、社会责任缺失、制度分析、相应对策


 Transnational companies have become the main trend of cooperation and economic development in today''s world. Not only large enterprises,but also small and medium-sized enterprises are transnational. Today, the imperialist transnational corporations are no longer synonymous with the expansion of economic aggression, and for each country as a foreign investment, introduce advanced technology and equipment and management methods used in the international market occupation of one of the most general way.
 With the economic globalization, transnational corporations play an increasingly important role on economic development in the host country, and their social responsibility is becoming a hot topic in theoretical circles. This paper discusses the meaning of corporate social responsibility, multinational corporations need to take social responsibility, lack of social responsibility of transnational corporations typical cases on the basis of an analysis of the social responsibility of transnational corporations important reason for the missing - the system factors, made the improvement of legislation, trade unions play a role in several aspects of the proposal with a view to regulating the social responsibility of transnational corporations in China to have a role.

KEYWORDS:Transnational corporations, Lack of social responsibility, System analysis, Appropriate measure

第一章 引言 1
第一节 研究背景 1
第二节 研究意义 1
第二章 跨国公司及其社会责任的相关研究 3
第一节 跨国公司的发展历史 3
第二节 跨国公司为何要承担企业社会责任 4
第三节 跨国公司社会责任在我国的发展 5
第三章 跨国公司社会责任缺失案例 8
 第一节 对消费者不负责任 8
 第二节 对员工不负责任 9
 第三节 对自然环境不负责任 11
第四章 跨国公司在我国企业社会责任缺失的制度分析 12
第一节 法律、法规、政策等因素 12
第二节 相关机构因素 14
第五章 提高跨国公司在我国企业社会责任的对策 16
 第一节 完善各项相关的立法工作,尤其是企业立法 16
 第二节 发挥工会保障劳动者权益的作用 16
 第三节 取消外资的“超国民待遇”及加强监督 17
第六章  总结 18
参考文献 20
致 谢 21

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