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论文编号:GM222    论文字数:9883,页数:19

摘   要


【关键词】FDI  技术外溢  跨国公司  技术研发



Technology spillovers are an important gain of host country from FDI. This article has a deep research in the theory of technology spillovers, and set up a model to examine the conditions of spillovers.
On the basis of summarizing correlative theories, the paper has analyzed the technical spillover effect of MNC’s direct investment in auto line, combined with the characteristic of Chinese FDI. In the process of analysis, my study has investigated the technical spillover effect from the view of whole auto line. The study shows that the technical spillover effect has accelerated the improvement of the technology level of Chinese auto industry, and driven the development of correlative industries. The result of econometric regression also displays that the positive effect of FDI on the whole auto line should be affirmed.
Finally, on the basis of the former theoretic analysis and empirical test, the paper has put forward some material suggestions, aiming at the factors that affect the technical spillover effect of MNC’s.

【Key words】 FDI;MNC;Technical Spillover Effect;R&D
目  录

1   导论 .....................................................2
1.1 概念界定................................................. 2
1.2 文献综述 .................................................2
2.  FDI技术外溢效应的理论框架 ................................4
2.1 FDI技术外溢的条件........................................ 4
2.2 FDI技术外溢效应的发生途径 ................................4
3   FDI技术外溢的影响因素.................................... 6
3.1 东道国企业禀赋状况 .......................................6
3.2 跨国公司子公司状况 .......................................7
4.  我国汽车工业FDI技术外溢效应的实证分析 ....................7
4.1 FDI发生技术外溢的条件 ....................................7
4.2 FDI技术外溢的途径 ........................................8
4.3 对FDI技术外溢的计量分析 ..................................9
4.4 FDI在汽车行业产生技术外溢效应的表现 ......................11
5.  企业促进和有效利用跨国公司技术溢出的策略 .................15
5.1 优化产业组织, 充分发挥FDI 的产业带动效应 .................15
5.2 组建企业集团,与外商建立战略联盟 ..........................15
5.3 争取跨国公司R&D 活动的延伸 ...............................15
5.4 创造良好的人才制度与创业环境 .............................16
6.  结束语 ...................................................16
参考文献 .....................................................17
致谢......................................................... 19

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