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论文编号:GM725  论文字数:11868.页数:22

摘  要
 After the reform and opening, Zhejiang manufacturing industry developed rapidly. Currently, Zhejiang has become a "world factory" global manufacturing base. However, with the western developed countries in the manufacturing enterprise engaged in manufacturing enterprise more than labor-intensive assembly process, economic value is extremely low. After joining WTO, Zhejiang enterprises and a large number of world-class companies competing, which was known as the "economic" atomic international brand become the main battlefield. However, "Zhejiang manufacturing" brand now situation on the is not so good as look like, brand market share is low, brand life is short, the brand assets, low in the international market competition, also showed many serious problems in this context, Zhejiang manufacturing brand in the international market to get a place, make strong brand image will be the inevitable choice.
 This paper first introduces the definition and importance of brand, and rise that brand aggression is the competition method in peacetime. After analyzing the situation of Zhejiang manufacturing brand, then find out problem of Zhejiang manufacturing from current situation. Combining with the current problems and rise up solving methods, and puts forward how to establish "Zhejiang manufacturing" brand image of the concrete measures.
 Keywords:‘ZheJiang’ manufacturing,brand image,enterprise image,brand line,Brand competition

第一章 绪论 1
第一节 本文选题意义 1
 国内外文献综述 1
 本文主要研究内容 2
第二章“浙江制造”品牌的含义 3
第一节“浙江制造”品牌的定义 3
第二节 品牌的重大意义 3
第三章“浙江制造”品牌的现状 5
第一节“浙江制造”拥有名牌的情况 5
  浙江制造品牌存在的问题 6
   一、 浙江品牌国际化经营不足,品牌档次有待进一步提升 6
   二 、企业对打造品牌的投入不足,自主创新能力不强 7
   三、 品牌建设大多以产品品牌为主,忽视区域品牌的打造 7
“浙江制造”品牌面临的挑战....................................8第四节 品牌之忧.....................................................9
第四章 树立“浙江制造”品牌的对策措施 11
第一节 实施品牌战略的总体思路 11
第二节 主要政策措施 11
   一、 围绕品牌经济,培育促进品牌成长的社会环境 11
   二、 加大对知名品牌培育和运作的投入支持力度......................11
   三、鼓励企业自主创新,提高品牌的技术含量和附加值,形成技术创新、 标准、专利的联动机制.................................................12
    四、 围绕发展产业集群,实施区域品牌共享战略.....................12
第三节  打造强势品牌形像 ..........................................13
第五章 结论 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18

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