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论文编号:DZ058  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:6607,页数:10

摘   要

     随着世界经济全球化的步伐加快,中国综合国力的不断增强和当前我国的市场环境不断完善,越来越多的中国企业走出国门,外资企业与本土企业之间的并购、联合等现象经常发展,跨国并购已成为跨国投资的主要方式,如联想并购IBM PC业务,上汽收购双龙,TCL并购汤姆逊电子等等。但由于不同国家的企业文化存在差别,这使得企业之间文化的整合非常困难。如何有效地克服这些差别,消除不同文化之间的差异,借鉴国内外的并购经验和教训,推动企业持续健康地发展,也是每个企业要思考的现实问题。中国企业在新一轮跨国并购浪潮中如何抓住机遇,积极尝试利用并购拓展海外市场提升竞争力,解决并购后的文化整合已成为成功的关键因素。本文先从文化整合的内涵以及文化整合在跨国公司并购中的意义来说明文化整合作为关键因素在企业成功跨国并购中的重要作用。然后具体地以联想购并IBM PC业务为案例分析跨国公司文化整合存在的主要难点所在以及遇到的阻力,最后分析联想所采取的相对应对策。

【关键词】跨国并购  企业文化  整合  联想



Speeding up along with the world economics globalization and the Chinese comprehensive national increasing and the sound of our country market environmental law, more and more Chinese enterprises go abroad. The phenomenon of mergers and acquisitions between foreign enterprise and local enterprise have often been taken places .The transnational merger and acquisition has become the fundamental mode of the transnational investment ,for example Lenovo mergers IBM PC, Shanghai automobile group mergers double dragon ,TCL mergers Thomson and so on. The culture of conformity is very difficult between the enterprises, how effectively to overcome these differences, remove the difference between different culture, reference to the home and broad’s experience and the lesson are very important. The program that every corporation must think about deeply is that how to work out the diversity of the difference in country''s corporate culture, make the enterprise develop endurable. It has already became an important key to success that how does the Chinese enterprises seizes the opportunity in the new tide , makes use of the chances to develop the overseas market and promote the competitive power. At first, the article is talked about the definition of the culture of conformity and its significance in order to explain how important to the mergers and acquisitions between foreign enterprise. Then it analyses the main difficulties about the culture of conformity in the case of Lenovo mergers IBM PC in details. At last, it gets the solution to the difficulties about the culture of conformity depends on the methods what Lenovo has done.

【Key Words】Transnational merger and acquisition; Corporation culture; Integration; Lenovo

目   录

1   企业文化整合内涵 ....................................................1
1.1 企业文化 ............................................................1
1.2 企业文化整合内容 ....................................................1
2   企业文化整合在企业跨国并购中的意义 ..................................2
2.1.企业文化整合能充分调动员工的积极性,有助于创造新价值 ................2
2.2.企业文化整合能促进文化的交流,提升国际化人力资源管理水平 ............2
2.3.企业文化整合能够提升企业竞争力,维持并购后企业的整体性............... 2
3   联想跨国并购中文化整合中的难点所在 ..................................3
3.1 意识形态上的差异 ....................................................3
3.2 权力距离上的差异 ....................................................3
3.3 思维方式上的差异 ....................................................4
3.4 领导人与员工的关系上的差异 ..........................................4
4   联想跨国并购中企业文化整合可能遇到的阻力策略 ........................4
4.1 海外企业对联想的文化认同度低 ........................................4
4.2 心理因素的阻碍 ......................................................5
5   联想跨国并购中企业文化整合的策略分析 ................................5
5.1 “求同存异、加强沟通”——并购企业文化整合应把握的两原则............ 5
5.2 “知彼知己”——在并购前期了解潜在的文化差异和冲突.................. 6
5.3 “整合愿景”——确立合并后企业的发展方向 ............................6
5.4 “取其精华”——主动吸收国外企业先进的文化 ..........................6
5.5 “以人为本”——正确树立人本管理的思想 ..............................7
参考文献 ................................................................8
致  谢 ..................................................................9

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