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论文编号:GM164     论文字数:11609,页数:16

摘    要


【关键词】独立性原则  UCP500  银行  欺诈  防范




In the field of the modern finance and trading, the letter of credit (L/C) has become the most common form of international payment. The L/C has solved the risk problem of non-trust between the seller and buyer in international trade. Meanwhile, the bank which aims to be safe, fast and convenience is popular by the international businessmen. In the recent 20 years, the phenomenal of L/C fraud is increasing. However, under the pressure of urgent circumstances of the L/C fraud, the UCP500 and the UCP600 which is coming to practice in a few days don’t take any measure to the L/C fraud, such as definition or stipulation of the judicial remedy. The domestic bank seems no idea about how to deal with the situation. So, the study about how to deal with the L/C fraud is of great importance to the bank. This thesis is concerned with the knowledge of trading, law and finance, and analyzes the type and the cause of L/C fraud by some typical cases. At last, the thesis puts forth some strategies about how the bank prevents the L/C fraud.

[Key Words] Independence Principle; UCP500; Bank; Fraud; Precaution


目   录

引言 .....................................................2
1  信用证欺诈的含义 ......................................2
1.1信用证欺诈在英美法和大陆法中的定义 ....................2
1.2中国的规定 ............................................3
2  银行遭遇的信用证欺诈方式 ..............................4
2.1开立无贸易背景的信用证 ................................4
2.2通过贸易融资对银行进行欺诈 ............................5
2.3伪造、变造或使用作废的信用证欺诈银行.................. 6
3  针对银行的信用证欺诈发生的原因 ........................7
3.1信用证的独立抽象性原则 ................................7
3.2缺乏有效国际合作 ......................................10
3.3人员因素 ..............................................10
3.4差额保证金的大量存在 ..................................10
3.5各国法律法规不同给欺诈者以可趁之机 ....................11
3.6跨国诉讼的复杂与不便 ..................................11
4  银行如何防范信用证欺诈 ................................11
4.1加强国际交流合作 ......................................11
4.2健全内部制度 ..........................................11
4.3福费廷避险法 ..........................................11
4.4慎重选择往来银行 ......................................12
4.5加强对客户的调查 ......................................12
5  银行对信用证欺诈的救济措施 ............................12
5.1运用“欺诈例外”原则处理信用证欺诈 ....................12
5.2申请止付令 ............................................13
5.3我国银行界的司法救济 ..................................14
结束语 ...................................................14
参考文献 .................................................15
致   谢 ..................................................16

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