论文编号:GM032 论文字数:12842,页数:19
摘 要
【关键词】 中澳 FTA 双边贸易
As the stagnancy of Doha Round of WTO in recent years, FTA (Free Trade Agreement) has drawn great attention for its convenience in international trade and has been adopted by more and more countries in regional economic cooperation. China’s FTA construction was started late but has been developed rapidly, especially great progresses being made in Sino-Australia FTA negotiation .
This research analyzes the significance of Sino-Australia FTA negotiation through a study of Sino-Australia’s economic complementarity. Its major point is to assess the potential impacts of the Sino-Australia FTA construction to China and Australia’s economics. After the achievement of Sino-Australia FTA, the important impacts may: ①enlarge and widen China’s foreign trade; ②reduce China’s trade frictions with other economies; ③promote China’s investment liberalization, etc. In this case, China should harmonize the relationship between WTO and FTA, keep on enlarging and widening the two country’s economic complementarity, and pay more attention to the deteriorated international trade conditions.
【Key Words】Sino-Australia;FTA;Bilateral Trade
目 录
1. 中澳FTA谈判的背景及进展 ................................2
1.1 中澳FTA谈判的背景 .....................................2
1.2 中澳FTA谈判的进展 .....................................3
2. 中澳FTA谈判的意义 ......................................5
2.1. 中国FTA建设的现状 ....................................5
2.2. 中澳FTA谈判对中澳经贸发展的意义...................... 6
3. 中澳FTA建成的影响 ......................................7
3.1 对中国经济的影响 ......................................7
3.2 对澳大利亚经济的影响.................................. 11
4. 中澳FTA谈判及建设过程中应注意的问题 ....................12
4.1 WTO与FTA的关系问题.................................... 13
4.2 继续注意扩大互补性问题 ................................14
4.3 重视贸易条件恶化问题.................................. 14
4.4 注意与其他国家和地区发展经贸关系的问题 ................15
4.5 注意深化自身改革的问题................................ 16
参考文献 ..................................................18
致 谢.................................................... 19