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论文编号:GM239  论文字数:9104,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】技术标准    贸易壁垒    茶叶



Nowadays, the effect of the traditional trade obstacle, such as custom, is becoming less and less. One the contrary, technique obstacle, environmental obstacle is becoming a tough task in our exports. There are lots of tribulations to our agriculture, because of our lower criterion in producing and machining aspects. The tea from Hunan province is a good example to prove it. The tea was influenced dramatically when the export trade in a new trade obstacle. However, the export of tea is a main product in Hunan province. That will definitely affect the export of Hunan province. Hence, how to solve the problems which reduce the total export amount when the new police are coming out is ungentle.
According to the situation in tea products in Hunan province now, the article analyzes the effect of environmental obstacle to the tea products and points out the reasons why Hunan province is facing this restriction. Using theory of International trade and behavior of consumers, this article demonstrates how to avoid this kind of obstacle in International business.

【Key Words】Technical standard; Environmental obstacle; Tea



目   录

导言 ...................................................................2
1  湖南省茶叶生产与出口现状及问题...................................... 3
1.1 湖南省茶叶生产现状及问题 ...........................................3
1.2 湖南省茶叶出口现状及问题 ...........................................4
2  绿色技术标准壁垒对湖南省茶叶出口的影响 ..............................5
2.1 降低了湖南省出口企业的效益,减少了湖南省出口总值 ...................5
2.2 绿色技术标准壁垒减少了湖南省茶叶出口额 .............................5
2.3 绿色技术标准壁垒的需求引导效应减少了湖南省茶叶出口 .................6
3  湖南省茶叶受到绿色技术标准壁垒限制的原因 ............................6
3.1 进口国对健康安全的意识提高 .........................................6
3.2 WTO的环保规则使得绿色壁垒成为“合法”的贸易壁垒手段................ 6
3.3 茶叶出口企业的激烈市场竞争提高了进口国贸易保护速度 .................7
3.4 进口国的贸易保护目的 ...............................................7
3.5 中国缺乏制定茶叶卫生标准的权力,农残无法达到进口方标准............. 7
3.6 湖南省市场占有率低使之失去主动权 ...................................8
4  湖南省应对绿色技术标准壁垒的对策研究 ................................8
4.1 加强茶叶农残控制技术和检验、检疫技术的研究......................... 8
4.2 从生产的源头抓起,做到绿色生产 .....................................9
4.3 加强政府和行业协会等组织的作用..................................... 10
参考文献 ...............................................................13
致   谢 ................................................................14

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