论文编号:GM007 论文字数:11866,页数:18
摘 要
【关键词】贸易便利化 国际贸易 海关管理
With the fast development of economic globalization and IT and the unprecedented extension of the global trade quantity, the tedious procedure has already become a big obstruct of the international trade. Both the developed countries and the developing countries have been aware of the importance of the trade facilitation, and have made a lot of efforts to it. The customs plays such an important role in international trade. How to push forward the improvement of the management of the customs to adapt to the trend of trade facilitation is the problem we need to face.
This thesis analyzes the problems from four parts. The first part is to introduce the concept and the background of the trade facilitation, so that we can get a general understanding of trade facilitation. The second part is to introduce the situation of trade facilitation in the world, among which Peru is taken as an example, to state the possibility and necessity for our customs to push forward the trade facilitation. The third part is to introduce the present situation of our country’s trade facilitation of the customs. After the introduction of the second and the third part and comparison between them, the thesis gives some suggestions on what the customs should do to further the development of the trade facilitation in the last part.
【Key Words】Trade Facilitation; International Trade; Customs Management
目 录
1 贸易便利化的概念及其发展背景 .......................1
1.1贸易便利化的概念 ..................................1
1.2贸易便利化的发展背景 ..............................2
2 其他国家现阶段贸易便利化的状况 .....................3
2.1 秘鲁的海关改革 ..................................4
2.2 秘鲁海关改革的具体措施 ..........................4
2.3 秘鲁贸易便利化改革收益.......................... 5
2.4 秘鲁海关改革的启示意义 ..........................6
3 我国现阶段贸易便利化的状况......................... 6
3.1 我国海关在推动贸易便利化方面所取得的成绩 ........7
3.2 推进贸易便利存在的主要障碍和问题 ................11
4 对我国海关管理改革的一些建议 .......................13
4.1 对海关的人力资源管理进行改革 ....................13
4.2 对海关的制度进行进一步的改革 ....................14
4.3 对海关的通关技术进行改革和创新 ..................14
4.4 提高海关的政务和执法的透明度 ....................14
4.5 对海关的管理体制进行改革 ........................14
结语 .................................................15
参考文献............................................. 16
致 谢 ..............................................17