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论文编号:GM436  论文字数:14538.页数:23

摘  要

关键词:337条款  调查  知识产权  对策


 In recent years, Chinese enterprises of export are affected by the 337 investigation of the United States Tariff Act, and the losses are very heavy. The paper starts with introducing an overview of the background and content of the 337 investigation of the United States Tariff Act, and then expatiates on the current situation, of which Chinese enterprises of export are affected by the 337 investigation of the United States Tariff Act, and explains why China would become one of the most important respondents, from the United States and China respectively. And then summarizes adverse effects about "Section 337" of the United States, mainly affecting the domestic industries of export to U.S., and some are even completely lost the U.S. market, and some have to pay high patent fees, and being not conducive to the upgrading of the structure of the export products, and so on. finally through the analysis of the main problems, of which Chinese enterprises of export deal with "337 investigation", and identify some  countermeasure, by which deal with "337 investigation", such as: to enhance the capability of independent innovation and raise awareness of intellectual property protection; once involved, and responding actively; seek help associations and so on.
KEYWORDS:Section 337,   investigation,   intellectual property, countermeasures 


第一章 引言 1
第二章 美国关税法“337条款”概述 3
第一节 美国关税法“337条款”的内容分析 3
一 主要内容 3
二 适用“337条款”的实体要件 4
第二节 “337条款”调查的产生背景 5
第三节 “337条款”调查的特点 6
第三章 “337条款”调查对中国企业的适用 8
第一节 美国对中国企业进行“337条款”调查的现状 8
第二节 中国成为美国主要调查对象的原因分析 9
一 美国方面 9
二 中国方面 9
第三节 “337条款”调查对中国企业造成的影响 10
第四章 中国企业应对“337条款”调查对策分析 13
第一节 中国企业应对“337条款”调查中存在的问题 13
第二节 中国企业应对“337条款”调查的若干建议 14
第三节 案例分析:以双鹿电池等企业胜诉美国为例 15
第五章 总结 17
参考文献 18

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