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论文编号:GM420  论文字数:15206.页数:24

摘  要

关键词:汇率   南京服装业  规避汇率风险
 For an in-depth understanding of China''s garment trade situation since the appreciation of the renminbi in 2005,It is necessary to select the typical regional to analyze t exchange rates impact on the garment industry ,as well as how to deal with it, Especially during  the complex international and domestic economic situation, We need pay more attention to the appreciation of the renminbi impact on the garment export enterprise. As a reference for clothing enterprises to avoid exchange rate risks. This article has survey Nanjing clothing enterprises ,from the aspect of RMB appreciation impacting on the export of cost and profit we can see RMB appreciation impacting on the garment industry is serious , from the data and theoretical analyze the change of Nanjing garment industry .I will put forward some suggestions to help them. Garment industry''s sustainable development urges to need a system which can prove early warning and make up the risk aversion,  it makes them survive and develop in the WT0 environment. At present ,the garment industry, e not only change themselves from management, but also should use of various measures to avoid exchange rate risks. We wish study this to make Nanjing as well as the country''s garment industries get rid of its present difficulties.

KEYWORDS:Exchange rate    Nanjing garment industry    To avoid exchange rate risks

第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题背景及意义 1
第二节 研究思路 2
第二章 理论基础 3
第一节 汇率理论 3
一、购买力评价说 3
二、利率评价说 3
第二节 比较优势理论 4
第三章 人民币升值对服装贸易所产生的影响 6
第一节 南京服装业的现状及特点 6
一、现状 6
二、特点 7
第二节 人民币升值对服装贸易负面影响 8
一、直接影响 8
二、间接的影响 8
第三节 人民币升值对服装贸易的正面影响 9
一、有利于减少贸易摩擦和改善贸易环境 9
二、有利于优化产业结构 9
三、有利于优胜劣汰 10
第三节 利弊分析 10
第四章 服装企业规避汇率风险的建议 12
第一节 改变贸易条件 12
一、采用多种货币结算 12
二、采用付款交单的方式结算 12
第二节 利用金融工具规避 13
一、外汇期权 13
二、远期合同 14
第三节 自然规避策略 15
一、改进技术,提高自主创新能力,走品牌道路 15
二、实行多元化海外战略 16
结论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20

  • 上一篇资讯: 东亚经济一体化研究
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