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论文编号:GM713  论文字数:15622.页数:24

摘 要


 Ningbo Port is located in the east coastline of Zhejiang Province.  In the history time,  Ningbo Port is one of the most important trade and transportation ports. As one of the four deep-water ports in China,  Ningbo Port has many advantages , such as location, fairway, coastline resource. The development of Ningbo  Port  supports the economic development of Ningbo ,and is good of Zhejiang Province and Yangtze River Delta.
 This paper analyze economic situation of the. This paper uses SWOT mode to of the Ningbo Port economics. Ningbo Port has many advantages, such as the natural condition  is quiet well, economy of hinterland is well-developed, port transportation system is well organized. At the other hand, Ningbo Port has many disadvantages, such as the problem of infrastructure, the port service is bad. In the future development, Ningbo Port meets many opportunities, such as the demands of international and internal markets are large, police support . Ninbo Port has to deal with the hard competition at home and abroad as well. The research mode of the paper is reading document, Qualitative analysis and comparison. And this paper is based on theory of port economy and combines with the statistics of Ningbo. The last part of paper is development strategies of Ningbo Port according to the last chapters.
KEYWORDS:Ningbo Port,economicdevelop, SWOT,  strategy

目 录

第一章 引言 1
第二章 宁波港口经济现状 2
第一节 宁波港的发展状况 2
第二节 宁波港的集群效应 3
第三节 宁波港产生的经济影响 6
第三章 宁波港的经济发展SWOT分析 9
第一节  宁波港的优势分析 9
第二节 宁波北仑港的劣势分析 11
第三节 宁波北仑港发展机遇 12
第四节 宁波港经济发展的挑战 14
第五节 小结 15
第四章 宁波港经济发展的战略 17
第一节 宁波港经济发展的战略目标 17
第二节 宁波港经济发展战略分析 17
参考文献 20
致谢 21

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