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论文编号:GM739  论文字数:17144.页数:29




   With the development of the foreign trade, technical barrier to trade(TBT)posed a threat to exports of China. After entering WTO, tariff barriers gradually disappears and foreign trade is developing fast. In 2004 China ranked to the third largest trading nation in the world. Exporting products is increasing continuously. It has occupied an important position of international market share. However, exports of China are labor-intensive and they are facing more serious barriers, in particularly,     TBT   of   foreign country.  
 China is the largest toy producer and exporter in the word. Most toys are produced for export. According to EU statistics, 80% of the toys in EU market are from China. Meanwhile, the EU is the most common implementation of TBT in the region. It provided more and more strict standards for the import of toys.
 In this paper, the author elaborates on the technical barriers to trade.  Focusing on the development of the toy industry in Guangzhou, the impact of the toy industry which comes from criteria and instruction of toy industry of EU is analyzed. The relevant aspects of international trade theory is summarized and a concept of  countermeasures is presented.
KEYWORDS:toy,  EU standard, countermeasure ,TBT


第一章  引言…………………………...………………………………1
第二章 技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)的基本概念………….......................3
第一节 何为技术性贸易壁垒……………………………………………….3
第二节 TBT的内涵………………………………….……………………...4
第三节 欧盟对玩具进口颁布的指令性法规…………………...…………...5
第三章 广州玩具产业的出口贸易现状…………………...…………...8
第一节 广州玩具产业的地位和结构……………………………...…………8
第二节 广州玩具产业的现状…………………………………...…………..9
第四章 欧盟的TBT对玩具产业的影响………………………………12
第一节 欧盟TBT带来的影响……………………………………………...12
第二节 对欧盟TBT带来的影响的理论分析………………….......................13
第五章 广州如何应对欧盟TBT…………………….............................19
第一节 政府方面所采取的措施…………………………………………….19
第二节 玩具企业的应对措施……………………………………………...21
第六章 结论……………...……………………………………………..24

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