论文编号:DZ154 字数:14468.页数:51
摘 要
在设计之初, 先对网站的设计进行了需求分析和可行性分析。对建站目的、文化建设、党建建设、信息发布建设和交流平台建设进行了需求分析。详细的调查了公司的需求,深入了解客户群的需要。可行性分析从经济可行性、技术可行性、时机可行性、管理可行性、和开发环境可行性多个方面考虑扎一网站设计制作的可行性。
The fast fierce development of the Internet, it plays a more and more important role in many realms, the Internet is soon flying a life of changing people, it participates communication, amusement, business trade and transacts well etc. each aspect.Now, along with the Flash animation, Java language, dynamic state HTML in the Internet, multi-media sound video frequency etc. technical application, the Web page becomes more vivid and fascinating.
The Qian An association steel rolls over as soon as connects the steel and iron limited company is the collection agglutinates, the iron-smelting, the steel-making, the steel rolling is a body union iron and steel enterprise, is Tianjin to roll over a system steel group company the management..This company website is the collection company profile, the news center, the product information, the employment advertise information, the enterprise culture, the party constructs the field, the message center and the chatroom is a body multi-purpose website. The main function is the enterprise image propaganda, the enterprise product recommendation and the customer staff and enterprise''s communication platform.
At beginning design, carried on the need analysis and viability assessment to the design of the website first.Carried on a need analysis towards setting up the station purpose,the cultural construction,party to set up construction,information to release construction and communicating the platform construction.Detailed inquisition the need of the company, the thorough understanding customers'' demand.The viability assessment is from the economic possibility,technique possibility,opportune moment possibility,the management possibility,and the development environment possibility several aspect considerations tie the possibility of a website design creation.
The system designs a stage, carrying on a synopsis description to the function of the website from the website function summary beginning.Then is the design of the system function mold piece, carry on express to the overall design thought of the website.The end is a database design,the E-R model with establish a database.
System the solid present stage is the main stage that designs a creation.The author releases a mold piece to the main page,information,station inside navigate and carry on the design creation with message board.Among them, the information releases the mold piece containment to browse information,edit,modify,delete with the management.It is a management system with strong function.
At last, the author carried on a test to the system, inducing the system characteristics, carrying on summary, and at end additional CD usage elucidation.
Keyword: Internet;The Qian An association steel rolls over as soon as connects the steel and iron limited company
目 录
中 文 摘 要 I
Abstract III
目 录 V
前 言 1
第1章系统开发工具 2
1.1 Dreamweaver简介 2
1.2 ASP简介 3
1.3 Access简介 4
1.4 关于java script脚本语言 6
第2章 系统分析 7
2.1 需求分析 7
2.1.1建站目的 7
2.1.2 文化建设 7
2.1.3 党组织建设 7
2.1.4 信息发布建设 7
2.1.5 交流平台 8
2.2 可行性分析 8
2.2.1 可行性分析 8
2.2.2 界面友好 9
第3章 系统设计 10
3.1 网站功能简述 10
3.1.1 设计思想 10
3.1.2 前台系统功能: 11
3.1.3 后台管理系统功能: 11
3.2 系统功能模块设计 11
3.3 数据库设计 12
3.3.1 数据库 12
3.4 E-R模型 13
3.5 创建数据库 13
第4章 系统实现 15
4.1 系统主窗体设计 15
4.1.1 登陆窗体设计 15
4.1.2 主窗体设计 16
4.1.3 滚动文字 17
4.2 信息发布模块设计 18
4.2.1系统结构实例 19
4.2.2 浏览信息功能 19
4.2.3 登录管理 20
4.2.4 版块管理 20
4.2.5 信息管理功能 21
4.2.6 系统简述 22
4.2.7 数据库分析 23
4.2.8 信息发布流程图 25
4.2.9 信息发布E-R图 26
4.2.10 数据程序说明 26
4.2.11 页面功能分配 28
4.3 站内导航模块设计 29
4.3.1 党建园地 29
4.3.2 党建园地功能模块图 29
4.3.3 党建园地数据流图 30
4.4 留言板模块设计 30
4.4.1 系统结构实例 31
4.4.2 浏览信息功能 31
4.4.3 管理留言功能 31
4.4.4 签写留言 32
4.4.5 系统简述 32
4.4.6 数据库分析 32
4.4.7 留言板E-R图 34
4.4.8 留言板流程图 34
4.4.9 页面功能分配 36
第5章 系统测试 37
第6章 系统特点 39
第7章 结论 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42
附 录1毕业设计光盘使用说明 43
系统环境与系统安装 43
技术支持: 44