论文编号:GM835 论文字数:16689,附开题报告,文献综述
摘 要
As a effective benefit industry,Exhibition industry has developed well in some economy developed countries.meanwhile,the industry just start in China with high develop speed.The 2010 CHINA SHANGHAI EXPO will influence Chinese exhibition industry on a large scale.The article is concerned with the development line of Chinese exhibition industry in 2010 EXPO circumstances. The article will begin with the introduce of exhibition and exhibition economy.then display the present situation of overseas’ and Chinese exhibition industry, the favoable affect results from 2010 EXPO.To continue,analyse the current problems of chinese exhibition industry ,give the corresponding advices. In the course of time, looking into the future of healthy development.
Keywords: 2010 SHANGHAI EXPO, exhibition industry, the opportunities and challenges
1 会展经济及会展行业现状2
1.1 会展经济的定义及作用2
1.2 世界领先会展行业发展现状4
1.3 中国会展行业发展现状5
2 世博会给我国会展行业带来的机遇8
2.1 世博会简述8
2.2 世博会对我国会展业的积极影响9
3 我国会展行业发展现状中的问题分析13
3.1 审批制度的弊端13
3.2 政府职能定位的偏差14
3.3 来自监管部门的障碍14
3.4 行业准入门槛和市场规范缺失15
3.5 缺乏高素质专业人才和高质量会展品牌16
3.6 对会展的多种形式认识不够17
4 解决问题的对策与建议18
4.1 加快建立统一管理政策18
4.2 政府部门加强宏观调控,减少微观介入19
4.3 加强会展业法规条例建设和监管部门支持力度20
4.4 建立权威的全国性会展协会21
4.5 加强会展人才培养21
4.6 模仿、引进和推广成功会议及节事项目22
5 结束语24