论文编号:GM724 论文字数:14980.页数:24
Complementary Industrial Cooperation
Between China and ASEAN
Recently, based on the smooth development of sides’ good neighborliness and friendliness relations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China have also made the new progress on the bilateral economics and trade cooperation. ASEAN and China’s economics and trade developed rapidly because of the bilateral degree of dependency increases year by year. Under this background, through analyzing the bilateral complementarity’s industry, understanding each one’s superiority, it has the extremely vital practical significance on developing nation region economic cooperation rule, enriching region economic integration theory and promoting ASEAN and China’s economical trade develop healthy, also it can promote the bilateral comprehensive economics and trade cooperation.
First, this article elaborated the bilateral import and export amount between ASEAN and China have presented the increasing tendency since 2003. Through the computation, the Pearson correlation coefficient between Singapore, Malaysian, Indonesian and Philippines and China all are smaller than 0 and varying degrees close to - 1, also the trade index in the industry are all approaches to 0, so we could see ASEAN and China’s trade presents are supplementary relation.
Next, from analyzed bilateral trade between ASEAN and China’s three big complementarity’s industries (manufacturing industry, agriculture and tourism), we could see the complementarity’s industry development primary factors between ASEAN and China includes:
Element of production talent, industrial structure and foreign direct investment.
Finally, in order to promote the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China’s economics and trade cooperation, achieve the win-win aspect, this article give the following several proposals:
First, adjust the industrial structures. Unify the adjustment between export products structure and industrial structure; Adjusts our country’s existing export trade way, to achieve market exports the multiplication gradually; Develops the third industry (particularly the service industry); Develop the advanced industry diligently, and encourage the industries which has the relative comparison superiority to go out the own country; Persisted the principle which structure adjustment unify with the trade, the investment, the industrial cooperation; Through the innovation and the technological innovation, to achieve the export product diversification and differentiate; Develop the science and technology education strategy vigorously.
Second, control system and supervising and managing system’s cooperation. Set up the he investment law which will suit the reality development request; Straighten out the examination and approval system on foreign investment; Reform exchange control system and personnel entering and leaving country control system.
Third, set up area-cooperation pattern. Such as the Gulf of Tonkin economic cooperation zone and the Nanning -- Singapore economical Corridor.
KEYWORDS:China——ASEAN,Complementary trade ,
Industry Structure
第一章 中国-东盟产业的互补性与竞争性………………………………1
第一节 中国-东盟双边贸易现状…………………………………………………1
第二节 中国-东盟的互补性贸易…………………………………………………1
第三节 互补性贸易结论…………………………………………………………6
第二章 中国与东盟互补性产业的现状研究……………………………7
第一节 制造业……………………………………………………………………7
第二节 农业………………………………………………………………………7
第三节 旅游业……………………………………………………………………9
第三章 中国与东盟互补性产业发展的影响因素………………………10
一 生产要素禀赋…………………………………………………………10
二 产业结构………………………………………………………………11
三 外商直接投资……………………………………………………………12
第四章 结论及对策、建议…………………………………………………14
一 调整产业结构……………………………………………………………………14
二 管理制度和监管制度合作………………………………………………………17
三 建立区域合作模式…………………………………………………………… 17