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论文编号:GM746  论文字数:21823.页数:34

内 容 摘 要

关键词:产业集群  区域品牌  品牌战略  诸暨袜业

The create and research of the regional brand, as the socks industry of Zhejiang province Zhuji city for example
 The create and research of the regional brand in this article is established on the economic system with Chinese characteristic of current china. How to develop economic and People''s living standard in such a developing country with so many people and so much aero as china has very important significance, especially when our country has become a member of WTO and must facing the steep competition from Domestic and foreign. With lots of theory research results about the way to create regional brands, this article research and analyse a lot of regional brand in Zhejiang province, especially about the socks industry of Zhuji City, and propose some ideas and plans.
 Creating a regional brand is systemic project. First step is to research its history and actuality of each region of Zhejiang province according to the competitive advantage, and next step is to create group brand for the target industry group. On the process of creating a brand, we must understand the definition and function of the brand and must built a group of brand strategy witch is adapt to the situation of the correlative industry group.
 This article has three main part. The first part mainly research the correlative theory and paper and discuss the evolvement、character、actuality of regional industry group. The second part is to analyse the expert’s views and ideas of existing brand by quoting correlative material of some brands in Zhejiang. The last part explain the Importance of creating the regional brand further more, which is based on the research above and take the socks industry in zhuji city for example ,and finally I express my idea and opinion.
Keyword: Industry group   regional brand   brand strategy  
socks industry in zhuji city


第一章 引言…………………………………………………………... 1
第一节 研究的内容与意义………..……………………………………… 1
第二节 研究的目的……………..……………………………………….. 1
第三节 研究的思路与方法………….…………………………………... 2
第二章 浙江产业群的特征及现状……………..……………………. 3
第一节 浙江产业群的基本特征……………..……………………………. 3
一、产业群数量众多,以纺织和服饰等为主…………..………………….. 3
二、以中小企业为主,“专业市场+家庭工场“为主要经营模式根据……… 4
三、家族企业普遍,并以特色工业园区为地域组织形式…………………... 5
第二节 浙江产业群现状…………….……………..…………………….. 5
第三章 品牌与品牌战略的相关研究………………………………... 7
第一节 品牌及其含义……………..……………………………………... 7
第二节 品牌战略激起作用……………..………………………………… 7
第三节 区域品牌的创建……………..…………………………………... 9
一、完善区域基础设施,合理打造区域品牌……………………………….. 9
三、推动产业集群升级……………..……………………………………. 10
第一节 中小企业区域品牌的提升……………..………………………….. 10
一、中小型企业的领导团体应该要重视树立品牌意识……………..………. 10
二、品牌的经营策略……………..………………………………………. 10
第四章 诸暨袜业发展现状及存在问题分析…………………………11
第一节 诸暨袜业品牌营运的发展史、现状……………..………………… 12
第二节 品牌营运与诸暨经济……………..………………………………. 13
第三节 诸暨袜业存在的问题……………..………………………………. 14
一、恶性竞争导致部分商品出口价格下降……………..……………… …..14
二、品牌意识淡薄……………..…………………………………….. …..14
三、管理落后,人才缺乏,竞争力后劲不足……………..…………… …..14
四、产品结构不合理,单体规模小……………..………………………… 15
第四节 义乌袜业品牌发展之启示……………..………………………….. 15
一、义乌市场的兴起……………..………………………………………. 15
二、义乌市场的特点……………..………………………………………. 16
三、义乌商品市场的现状……………..…………………………………….. 16
四、义乌浪莎袜业的发展……………..………………………………….. 16
第五节 诸暨袜业发展方向……………..………………………………… 17
第五章 诸暨袜业品牌的创建与研究……………..…………………. 19
第一节 袜业品牌战略设计……………..………………………………… 19
二、营造优良的产业环境…..……………..………………............………. 20
三、加强管理层对市场和产品从战略意义上的评估…….……….………… 20
四、举办袜业博览会……………..………………………………………. 20
五、加大政府支持力度……………………………………….………….. 21
第二节 案例:诸暨丹吉娅袜业……..…………………………………..... 22
致谢……………………………………………….……….…….....…. .27

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