论文编号:GM809 论文字数:17206.页数:30 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述
内 容 摘 要
关键词:区域经济 行业结构调整 区位优势 抓住机遇
Innovation and development of the regional economy
—take ZhouShan City for example
This text has analyzed some basic situation and the significance of investigation of the regional economy at first,Then points out The research object the text—the regional economy of ZhouShan City ,Firstly, from the general,do some introduce aboat the regional economy of ZhouShan City''s Past and present, then take the four specific sectors for example depth analysis the ZhouShan City''s current economic situation and put out some solutions. This text take theoretical study and practical data for noting as research methods . The focus of this text is the analysis of four specific sectors, Writing from the Industry present situation, to point out the problem, to The solution envisaged, it contains distinct sense of level. It can be said that this article is based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, Objectively given the possible way for ZhouShan City''s economic development will be encountered problems, hope that will give Some ideas for the ZhouShan City''s economic development.
KEY WORDS: Regional Economy Industry restructuring Geographical advantages Seize the opportunity
1. 导论
1.1 区域经济的涵义
1.2 中国的区域经济
1.3 研究区域经济的意义
1.4 研究方法
2. 舟山经济的分析
2.2 舟山社会经济的发展阶段
2.2.1 以渔业经济为主的传统发展阶段(1992年前)
2.2.2 以海岛旅游为特色的第三产业快速发展阶段(1993—1998)
2.2.3 工业起步阶段(1999年至今)
3. 舟山市具体行业的分析
3.2 舟山水产加工业
3.3 舟山旅游业
3.4 舟山港口业