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论文编号:GM398  论文字数:13477.页数:19

摘  要

关键词:人民币  汇率 造纸业 效益影响


 As China''s economic situation improves, the strong rebound in exports, the growing material and cultural life of the people rich and raising, newsprint, tissue, wrapping paper, and so the demand for paper products will continue to grow rapidly. in the next few years, China''s paper industry growth rate will remain higher than the GDP growth rate, the rate of increase of 10% to 15%. Now the situation for the paper industry paper plates enhance the performance of listed companies has laid a solid foundation, and the paper shares a long time with the fundamentals of the stock deviate from the long-term trend will gradually be reversed, the paper stock investment opportunities in the beginning Show. The article does a study how RMB exchange rate change Impact The paper industry, listed companies.

KEYWORDS: RMB    rate   papermaking industry    benefit influence


    引言  …………………………………………1
第一节        选题意义………………………………………1
    研究的基本内容……………………………… 2
第三节        研究的方法……………………………………3
  我国造纸业的状况 ……………………………4
  人民币升值对我国造纸行业的影响 ……………7
第三章  我国造纸行业未来的趋势 …………………13
参考文献 ……………………………………………….16
致谢 ………………………………….…………………17


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