论文编号:GM822 论文字数:20523.页数:34
摘 要
关键词:人民币汇率变动 出口贸易 汇率风险 对策
The Analysis of the effect of RMB exchange rate variation on the export trade in ZHUHAI
Since July 21st, 2005, when China began to carry out the floating exchange rate system which was based on the market supply and demand and was managed, the flexibility of RMB exchange rate was increased progressively. This new change of the financial markets produced a greater effect on the rapid development of the export trade in ZHUHAI. The ZHUHAI City kept increasing of its export, at same time the factors of supporting external trade increased was changing. This change was embodied in the mode of trade, the nature of business, composition of commodities and so on, which affected sustainable development of ZHUHAI export trade in different extent. The influence of fluctuation of exchange rate on export trade was controlled by the price adjustment system. The age of RMB kept rising was coming. It means the past mode of low price competition faced a big pressure of transformation. The companies which were used to doing business under the fixed exchange rate had to learn to face the uncertainty of exchange rate risks. This article analyzed the positive and negative effects of ZHUHAI export by the changing of RMB exchange rate which based on the analysis of ZHUHAI city, where have nearly 30 years export trade history. Using empirical analysis method to verify the effect of changing RMB exchange rate on the structure of export trade in ZHUHAI City At last, according to the actual situation of ZHUHAI export trade, author renders countermeasures to the risk of changing RMB exchange rate from government and enterprises two planes.
Keywords: RMB exchange rate variation export trade exchange rate risk countermeasure
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1. 前言 1
1.1 选题的目的及意义 1
1.2 研究的现状 1
1.3 研究的基本思路 2
1.4 研究的方法 2
2. 珠海市出口贸易的现状 3
2.1 珠海市近30年的出口贸易发展概况 3
2.2 珠海市出口贸易结构的变化 1
2.2.1 产品构成的变化 1
2.2.2 贸易形式的变化 1
2.2.3 贸易主体的变化 2
3. 人民币汇率变动对珠海市出口贸易的影响 3
3.1 汇率变动对进出口影响的相关理论问题 3
3.2 人民币汇率变动对珠海市出口贸易发展的影响 4
3.2.1 对珠海市外贸出口的增长有直接影响 4
3.2.2 增加珠海市出口企业的经营风险 4
3.2.3 对珠海市中小出口企业的发展影响较大 5
3.2.4 有利于加快珠海市外贸的转型升级 6
4. 人民币汇率变动对珠海市出口贸易影响的实证分析 7
4.1 回归分析模型 7
4.2协整检验 10
4.3 误差修正模型 10
4.4 结果分析 13
5. 应对人民币汇率变动风险的对策 15
5.1 政府层面 15
5.1.1 加快转变外贸增长方式 15
5.1.2 加大对私营企业的扶持力度,促进对外贸易主体的多元化发展 15
5.1.3 调整外贸出口产业的结构 16
5.2 企业层面 16
5.2.1 加强企业的自主创新能力 16
5.2.2 积极实施市场多元化战略,大力开拓新市场 17
5.2.3 加强财务管理和汇率风险管理,适当分散交易风险 18
5.2.4 有效运用金融衍生工具,降低汇率变动风险 18
6. 结论 19
6.1 研究的成果 19
6.2 尚存在的问题 19
6.3 进一步开展研究的展望与设想 19
参考文献 20
附 录 21
1 一元线性回归分析法 21
2 ADF检验 22
3高新技术产品出口额占出口总额的比重的ADF单位根检验 23
4 序列相关性及其消除 24
谢 辞 26