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论文编号:GM154   论文字数:11945,页数:17

摘   要


[关键词]直接投资    决定因素     趋势    


Foreign investment whether in the past or in the future, will play an active role in promoting in the sustainable and stable development of China''s economy. In recent years, At the beginning of the new century, the Japanese foreign direct investment has been declining and the Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated year by year. However, with China''s accession to the WTO and further opening up of China''s market to the outside world, the stagnation and declination of Japanese direct investment in China have been ended. Its direct investment in China has entered into a new stage of development. Japan''s investment in China has witnessed tremendous changes in the determinants. Japanese direct investment to China''s decision factors occur as a result of the change, therefore the strategy of Japanese direct investment in China is changing.
This paper mainly Analyses the trends of Japanese direct investment in China according to the status of the Japanese direct investment in China and the changes of determinants, such as the disappearance of China''s traditional advantage, and the opening up of China''s service industry, the scale of the markets expanding, the regional advantages increasingly obvious .Finally, as its direct investment trends and their impacts on our country ,this paper rises some feasible recommendations to further deepen beneficial effects of Japan''s direct investment and reduces the adverse impact so that we can make full use of Japanese direct investment to service our country''s economic development.

[Key words] Direct investment   Determinants   Trend


目   录

1  日本对华直接投资现状 .................................................2
1.1 日本对外投资现状.................................................... 2
1.2 日本对我国投资现状 ..................................................2
2  日本对华直接投资的决定因素 ...........................................2
2.1 传统的决定因素 ......................................................2
2.2  日本对华直接投资决定因素变化 .......................................4
3  日本对我国直接投资的趋势分析 .........................................7
3.1  制造业投资下降 .....................................................7
3.2 投资规模加大 ........................................................7
3.3 从合资到独资转变 ....................................................8
3.4 对我国服务业投资进一步加大 ..........................................8
3.5 投资从边际产业到优势产业转变 ........................................8
3.6 中小企业对华投资加大................................................ 9
3.7 投资向长江三角洲地区集中 ............................................9
3.8 由“生产重视型”到“生产与市场并重型”的全方位投资 ..................10
4  日本对华直接投资趋势对我国的影响 .....................................10
4.1 有助于弥补我国建设资金的不足,增加就业机会及人才结构调整 ............10
4.2 有利于中国获得高新技术,加快技术升级 ................................11
4.3 中小企业对我国的影响 ................................................11
4.4  有利于我国服务业的发展 .............................................11
4.5  独资化的影响 .......................................................11
4.6  区域经济发展不平衡加剧 .............................................12
5  我国可以采取的有关对策建议 ...........................................12
5.1 化优惠政策为良好投资环境,加大吸引外资的力度 ........................12
5.2 重视吸引日本中小型企业投资 ..........................................13
5.3  进一步扩大服务业的市场准入,提高国内服务消费水平 ...................13
5.4  独资化的应对措施 ...................................................13
5.5  调整区域投资政策,增强中西部地区吸引投资能力 .......................13
结束语 ..................................................................14
附   录 .................................................................15
参考文献 ................................................................16
致   谢 .................................................................17

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