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Settlement prediction of embankment s with stage
construction on soft ground
LIU Song-yu(Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China) 
(Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
Abstract: The magnitude and rate of the settlement are the key elements subjected to design analysis of embankments on soft ground. The observational
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing210096,China
methods based onfield measurement have indicated the promising results and become effective methods to predict the final settlement, whilethe uncertainties of parameters and theories limit significantly the accuracy of settlement estimation. This paper presents an observational method topredict the settlement performance of embankments with stage construction on soft ground based on Asaoka method. The case studies show the accordance of the predicting results with the field measured data. It is also given from the case study that the value of Eu / Curatio ranges from 50 to100 for Jiangsu Marine clay and its actual coefficient of consolidation is almost one order of magnitude larger than the laboratory data.
Key words:settlement, embankment, observational method, stage construction, Jiangsu Marine clay
0. Introduction
Settlement and stability are two primary considerations systematically related to the design of an embankment on soft ground. The tools available for the stability evaluation seem to be satisfactory. The key element of long term behavior of the embankment routinely subjected to design analysis is the settlement. In other words , the settlement analysis is the most appropriate approach to the embankment analysis .
The settlements of embankments on soft clays result from the consolidation and the lateral flow under the embankments. Many researches have been made on performance of embankments on soft ground.
Although many experiences have shown the practical value of the theory for estimating settlements and settlements rates , they also illustrated some of the problems in volved in making accurate prediction of the settlement .Duncan (1993) and Olson (1998) analyzed the uncertainties causing the shortcomings in the current state of the art for settlement prediction respectively. These uncertainties sometimes make it difficulty or impossible to estimate the magnitude and rate of settlement for embankments . Although the numerical analysis may be possible to improve the accuracy , the soil models may involve many parameters that can not be determined economically. However , the evolution of numerical methods with computer may result in simpler models and complete codes that are increasingly becoming available.
It is desirable therefore to develop observational methods based upon which the settlement can be estimated once sufficient data has been recorded. Many researchers developed the settlement prediction methods on field measurement observation , which have indicated promising results and become an accepted method to estimate final settlements and rates of settlements.
Stage construction is a typical procedure for embankments on the soft ground. With a certain period of consolidation at every stage construction ,the safety factor of the embankment can be generally raised and the post construction settlement may be reduced. The settlement - time curve during stage construction may be more complicated than it is with instantaneous loading. The period for primary consolidation at a definite final load with stage construction may be increased significantly , in spite of the fact that the post construction settlement can be reduced. In order to speed up the rate of settlement and minimize the post construction secondarysettlement of soft clays , surcharge is often used in practice ,which can be taken as a type of stage construction with temporary loading and unloading stages .
Problems related to the settlement analysis of stage construction for embankments on soft clays are of the following types:
    (1) Prediction of the deformation behavior of stage construction from the results of borings and tests .
(2) Prediction of the final settlement at permanent load from the behavior of the first stage construction.
(3) Prediction of the post construction settlement at the permanent load and corresponding time of surcharge removed from the behavior of the surcharge.
    The first of these problems is heavily dependent on the theory , which is necessary in design. The other two predictions require empirical rather than theoretical methods because they are based on observational data. In any case , the fact that the second and third predictions are derived from field observations makes them more reliable than the theoretical predictions .
 Leroueil et al revealed the effective stress path and analyzed the relationship between vertical settlement and lateral displacement during stage construction. Stamatopoulos and Kotzias developed a method to determine the final settlement at permanent load from the behavior of surcharge, but it is based on the elastic theory and difficult to calculate the rate of the settlement . The hyperbolic method is based on the total load - settlement relationship to predict the final settlement , which is not sensitive to the nature of the initial loading condition.
 This paper presented a method for the prediction of the final settlement at permanent load from the behavior of the first stage construction based on the Asaoka method.
1. Stage observational method
 Asaoka proposed anobservational procedureto estimate the final settlement and in2situ coefficient of consolidation from the field observational data. This method is becoming increasing popular because of its simplicity and effectivity.
The method is based on the fact that one dimensional consolidation settlements S0 , S1 , S2 , ,Sj at times 0 t ,2 t ,… ,j t can be expressed as a first order approximation by
Sj = + Sj-1                                           (1)
which represents a straight line in a Sj vs Sj-1plot , where  is the intercept and  is the slope of the line. When the ultimate settlement has been reached : Sj= Sj-1=Sf , therefore ,the ultimate settlement Sfcan be given by
S=                                               (2)
              ln = -  (both top and bottom drainage)                    (3)
             ln = -  (top drainage)                                  (4)
The constant  has been suggested by Magnan and Deroy to be related to the coefficient of consolidation Cv as follows: for horizontal radial drainage only
             Ch =                                              (5)
for vertical drainage only
Cv =                                               (6)
where De, Hare the drainage path length respectively.
Asaoka method also stated that the straight line in Sj- Sj-1space would moved up in the case of multi-staged loading , moreover , the shifted lines become almost parallel to the initial when the settlement is relatively small compared to the thickness of clay layer. However , it is not discussed and provided how to determine the shift distance from the line of first stage to the line of the next stage.
In the expression (1) ,when j= 0 that is : t= 0 and S(t=0) = S0,where tcan be taken as 0 from any time after loading works . If tis set as 0 at the exact time once the load is exerted , then , Sj-1becomes 0 , therefore ,
S0== immediate settlement Se.                                              (7)
  This means that Asaoka method can be extended to obtain the construction settlement , which equals to the intercept  of the liner line in the space Sj- Sj-1, where t= 0 is set just after loading. Moreover , this immediate settlement contributes the shift distance of the parallel lines during stage construction.
In fact , from the derivation of the Asaoka method , the settlement of soil layers can be expressed as
St =                                                            (8)
where T and F are two unknown function of time.
With the vertical drainage boundary conditions and at the ground surface , =T= (t , z=0) . If  t = 0, = (t=0 , z=0) = = initial elastic strain. Therefore , S(t=0)=S0 gives the immediate settlement Se, which can also be estimated from the elastic method by the equation :
S0=Se=                                                        (10)
It is clearly shown that the Asaoka method has been extended to predict the settlement of embankments with stage construction. In other words , the behavior of next stage construction can be predicted with the  ,  from the last stage construction. The more the previous stages with settlement measurement , the higher the accuracy of next stage prediction. The stage observational method includes following steps :
(1) Sketch observed time settlement curve .
(2) Choose a time interval t , which usually ranges from 10to 100 days , read the settlements Sj from the curve at times t j ( = t j , j = 1 ,2 ,3, ).
(3) Plot the settlements Sj , Sj-1 in a coordinate system with axis Sj , Sj-1originated from 0.
(4) Fit the plotted points by a straight line , of which corresponding slope is read as . The intercept at the Sj axis gives , while the point of intersection with the 45o line , gives the final consolidation settlement of the first stage.
(5) From the of the first stage construction to determine the undrained modulus Euby inverse analysis (10) .
(6) Determine the next stage construction settlement with the above known Eu(10) , thus resulting in the shift distance of line.
(7) Assume the CVremains constant during stage construction and settlement is small compared with the thickness of soft soils , this makes the line of next stage construction parallel to the first stage with the slope.
(8) Predicting the final settlement of next stage construction from the intersection of the shifted line with the 45o line.
(9) Estimate the Ch and CV from the value of with the equation (5) or (6) .
2. Case study
2. 1  Site and project description
Section A of Lianxu highway is a 31 km long high standard expressway connecting the port city Lianyugang to the national highway system of China. It was began to construction from Dec. 1999. There are 104 bridges or culverts or passways in this 31 km long section designed to connect embankments . The bottom width of the embankment is 40 m , while the height of embankment changes from 3 to 7 m.
Based on the design code , the differential settlements between embankments and structures have to be controlled less than 10 cm. Post construction settlements of embankments have to be less than 30 cm during the post construction period of 15 years . It is clear that the magnitude and rates of the embankment settlements are the extremely important problem to make the project reliable and economical .
2. 2  Subsurface conditions
The section A of Lianxu highway passes over the marine deposit plain. The typical subsoil profile consists of 0 to 3m think upper crust of stiff clay underlain by a 5.6 to 13m thick soft clay ,which is named Jiangsu Marine clay. Blow this soft clay , lies alternating layers of stiff clay and dense sand extending to badrock with the varied thickness of 10 to 20m.
2. 3  Soil improvement and embankment construction
Dry Jet Mixing and stage construction with sand blanket have been designed to reduce the total settlement and post construction settlement . The embankment filled with residual clay from Dec. 1999. After the first stage construction of 2.53.5 m high , about 6 months were left along for soil consolidation. The settlements are observed regularly by settlement plates . During the period of the first stage consolidation , some observational settlements are found to be larger than the corresponding designed total settlement . It is necessary to re-predict the behavior of the embankments based on the settlement observational results of the first stage construction , in order to modify the original design and make the reliable decision for next stage construction.
2. 4  Prediction of the final settlement
The typical fill heights with time and measured ground surface settlements at the center of embankments with sand blankets are shown. It can be seen that the settlement curve drops significantly between the first stage and second stage construction. The final settlements of the second stage construction are predicted from the first stage observational data by the stage observational method. It indicates that the predicted settlements are basically consistent with the measured settlement . Table 1 also shows the bake analyzed values of undrained elastic modulus Euand coefficient of consolidation Cv based on the first stage observational data , giving ranges of Eu / curatio of 50100 and CV(field) /CV(lab) ratio of 612. It seems to be in the lower range of the Eu / curatio for Jiangsu Marine clay compared with the ratio of 70253 for Bangkok clay and other clays existing in the different literature. The actual coefficient of consolidation appears one order of magnitude larger than the laboratory value , this resulting in the faster rate of measured settlement .
3. Conclusions
On the basis of theoretical derivation of Asaoka method and case study of Jiangsu Marine clay , this paper presented a Stage Observational Method for settlement prediction of embankments on soft ground with stage construction. The following conclusions can be given:
(1) Considering the available observational methods for ultimate settlement prediction , the Asaoka method may be successfully extended to make the settlement prediction for stage construction embankments .
(2) The immediate settlement Seis verified to be equal to the intercept in the Sj and Sj-1space of the Asaoka method , therefore , the undrained modulus of soft ground can be obtained from the first stage construction measurements , this contributing to the more accurate estimation of immediate settlement of the next stage construction.
(3) Assuming the actual coefficient of consolidation and the thickness of the soft ground remain constant during stage construction , the shifting distances of the parallel lines with the slope of is equaled to the immediate settlements , which can be calculated with the inverse modulus from the first (last) stage construction.
(4) The distinct advantage of the recommended method is that the values of undrained modulus and coefficient of consolidation for next stage construction are inversely analyzed from the first (last) stage construction.
(5) From the case study , the value of Eu / curatio ranges from 50 to 100 for Jiangsu Marine clay , while the actual coefficient of consolidation is almost one order of magnitude larger than the laboratory data.
The research is sponsored by Doctoral Program Funds of Education Ministry of China. The support is grateful acknowledged.
LIU Song-yu和 JING Fei
关键词:沉降, 路堤, 观测法, 分期施工, 江苏海相软土
0. 简介
Leroueil et al提出了有效应力路径,分析了施工时期竖向沉降和横向沉降之间的关系。Stamatopoulos和Kotzias发展了在永久荷载下确定最终沉降的方法,但这种方法是基于弹性理论的,而且它很难用来计算沉降率。而双曲线模型的方法又是依据总的荷载—沉降关系来预估最终沉降量,这种方法对于在初始天然荷载下的沉降很不灵敏。
1. 分期观测法
该方法是基于单向固结沉降量S0 , S1 , S2 , …… ,Sj在时间0 , t ,2 t ,…… ,j t时能被作为第一近似值,公式如下:
                 Sj = + Sj-1                                              (1)
在时间Sj- Sj-1图里它代表了一条直线。这里 是直线的截距, 是直线的倾角。当达到最终沉降时:Sj= Sj-1=Sf ,因此,最终沉降Sf可以由如下公式求得:
                 S=                                                 (2)
                 ln = - (两面排水时)                             (3)
                 ln = - (顶部排水时)                             (4)
常数 和固结系数CV有关:Magnan和Deroy认为
Ch =                                             (5)
Cv =                                             (6)
这里De ,H分别是排水路径的长度。
Asaoka观测法也表明,Sj- Sj-1图中的直线在多级荷载作用下会改变位置,而且,当沉降相对较小而粘土层相对较厚时,移动的直线基本上和初始直线是平行的。但是,该方法并没有讨论给出如何确定从一个直线段到下一个直线段的移动距离。
在表达式(1)中,当j = 0时,t = 0,S(t=0) = S0 ,这里t是荷载的工作时间。如果在荷载卸载的瞬间将t设置为0,那么Sj-1就变为0。因此
S0 = =瞬时沉降Se                                   (7)
这就意味着Asaoka观测法能被扩展为求固结沉降,其值等于Sj- Sj-1图里的 直线的截距 ,这里t = 0是在荷载加上之后。此外,这种瞬时沉降也是分期施工期平行线的移动距离。
                 St =                                         (8)
    在竖向排水的底部和土层的顶部, =T= (t , z=0) 。如果t = 0,那么 = (t=0 , z=0) = =初始弹性应变。因此,S(t=0)=S0就能得到瞬时沉降Se 。Se也能由如下弹性原理的公式求解:
                    S0=Se=                                       (10)
上式清楚地表明Asaoka观测法能够被扩展到估算施工期路堤的沉降。也就是说,下一个施工期的路堤的状况可由上一个施工期的 进行估算。上一个施工期的路堤的沉降测量值越多,下一个施工期的估算值就越精确。分期观测法包括以下几个步骤:
(2)选择时间间隔 t,通常是10到100天之间。在tj 时刻读取曲线上的沉降Sj
(3)在相应的坐标系里以Sj- Sj-1为轴,从0开始标出沉降Sj- Sj-1的点。
(4)用直线将标出的点连起来,直线相应的倾角是 ,在Sj轴上的截距为 ,与45o直线的交点是第一工期的最后固结沉降量。
(5)利用第一工期的 通过(10)式反求不排水压缩模量。
(9)利用 的值通过式(5)、(6)分别估算Ch和CV
2. 实例研究
2.1 工程地址和工程概述
2.2 地面下的土质条件
2.3 土层的改良和路堤的施工
2.4 预估最终沉降
3. 结论
(2)在根据Asaoka观测法绘制的Sj-和Sj-1图中,瞬时沉降Se被证明是等于截距 的。因此,在第一期观测中,我们能够得到软土层的不排水压缩模量。它有助于我们更精确地估算下一期的瞬时沉降。
(3)假定实际的固结系数和土层厚度在分期施工期仍然保持连续,倾角 的平行线段的移动距离等于第一分期由公式反求的瞬时沉降值。


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