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论文编号:GM468  论文字数:19962.页数:27

摘  要



 This paper proposes some comprehensive measures to deal with the new changes in trade frictions after the financial crisis,which is based on the current developing situation of international trade, China''s national conditions and developing needs of the trade. Then various factors are analyzed and studied. In a background after the world financial crisis, international trade protectionism presents a growing trend, China is facing increasing international trade frictions. Currently, forms of trade friction are more diversified, concerning the products and the scope is enlarging, objects of friction are increasing, the levels are developing,  and frictions are spreading from developed to developing countries. Based on these new characters of  trade frictions,  it is the most important  is to adapt to new changes actively, deal with the trade frictions on own initiative. Besides, China also should: accelerate the pace of conversion and upgrading, adjust and optimize the industrial structure, to grasp the initiative in the market. At the same time exert the function of government actively. Then firmly oppose trade protectionism, and promote to make and amend the WTO rules actively. Try our best to unite developing countries, and explore new international market, etc.Thus, maintaining our  trade benefits, and promoting the development of international  trade .

KEYWORDS:after the financial crisis, Trade friction,  
new changes,follow the changes,Coping strategies

第一章  引言 1
第一节 选题背景和意义 1
一、 金融危机的发生背景 1
二、研究意义 2
第二节  研究思路和方法 2
一、研究思路 2
二、研究方法和工具 3
第二章  金融危机前后国际贸易的状态比较 4
第一节  金融危机前贸易状况 4
一、传统优势行业继续占据发达国家对中国发起贸易摩擦的主导地位 4
二、新兴优势行业开始成为发达国家对我国提起贸易摩擦的新热点 5
三、发展中国家开始逐步对中国发起贸易摩擦 6
第二节  金融危机后贸易摩擦的变化 7
一、金融危机后中国贸易摩擦现状 7
二、当前中国遭受贸易摩擦的新变化 8
第三章 金融危机后我国受到的贸易摩擦变化的根源分析 10
第一节 发达国家对中国提起贸易摩擦的原因 10
一、由于遭受到金融危机的重创,一些发达国家经济严重衰退 10
二、贸易顺差的扩大使得贸易摩擦增多 11
三、政治因素 11
第二节 发展中国家对中国发起贸易摩擦的原因探究 12
一、发展中国家方面的原因 12
二、中国方面的原因 13
第四章 中国对贸易摩擦新变化的理解和建议 15
第一节 如何理解和顺应新变化 15
一、正确理解贸易摩擦的增多 15
二、控制与美国等主要国家之间的贸易顺差 15
三、努力发挥WTO的作用 16
四、顺应发展中国家特点,制定相应政策 16
第二节 应对新贸易摩擦的对策和建议 17
一、加快转制升级的步伐,调整和优化产业结构,掌握市场主动权 17
二、积极发挥政府作用,使其成为中国企业的坚强后盾 18
三、坚决反对国际贸易保护主义,有效运用WTO争端解决机制 18
四、积极联合发展中国家,努力开拓新的国际市场 19
第五章  结束语 21
参考文献 22
致  谢 23

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