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论文编号:GM045  论文字数:8671,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】 山东农产品  出口  解决方案 


Since China joined the WTO, the sum of agricultural export in Shandong Province has been growing year after year. However, its exports account for the province''s share of total exports has declined. The reason may be that China''s second and tertiary industries are developing fast. And another reason is the problems in agricultural export trade.
First, this thesis analyzes the situation of agricultural product export in Shandong province, in order to find the advantages and disadvantages of Shandong province in agricultural product export. The thesis focuses on two problems. One of them is that the agricultural product is obstructed in several countries, while the other is that its exports account for the province''s share of total exports has declined. Then the author illustrates the reasons, i.e. the agricultural product’ not meeting the worldwide standards and low quality of agricultural labor. At last this thesis suggests that we should pay more attention on the education of peasantry and the transportation for agricultural products.
[key words]  Agricultural products of Shandong province;Export ;                   


目  录

1导论 ..................................................2
1.1选题意义 ............................................2
1.2文献综述 ............................................2
1.3文章的主要内容和研究框架 ............................3
2山东农产品出口贸易的现状.............................. 3
2.1山东农产品出口贸易取得的成就 ........................3
2.2山东农产品出口的条件 ................................4
3.山东农产品出口贸易中存在的问题 ......................6
3.1农民贸易意识薄弱 ....................................6
3.2物流服务仍不完善 ....................................6
3.3农业科技人员不足.................................... 7
3.4出口农产品常常受到非关税壁垒的限制较多 ..............7
4山东农产品出口贸易中存在问题的解决方案 ................10
4.1调整农业产业结构 ....................................10
4.2加强对农业人才的培养 ................................10
4.3更加注重品牌效应 ....................................11
4.4完善物流供应链 ......................................11
4.5强化行业协会建立.................................... 12
4.6政府积极支持和协助.................................. 12
结束语................................................. 12
参考文献 ...............................................13
致谢 ...................................................14

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