论文编号:GM208 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:7617,页数:11
摘 要
2003年5月,日本修订了《食品卫生法》。依据新修订的《食品卫生法》,日本于2006年5月29日起实施食品中农业化学品(农药、兽药及饲料添加剂等)残留“肯定列表制度”,并执行新的残留限量标准。与日本现行标准相比,新标准对食品中农业化学品残留限量的要求更加全面、系统和严格。日本是我国农产品出口的第一大市场, 目前中国近1/3的农产品出口输往日本市场,是日本进口农产品的第二大来源国.“肯定列表制度”及残留限量新标准的实施,必将给我农产品出口带来严峻考验。作为中国农产品出口第一大省的山东,蔬菜出口也将在未来相当长的时间内受到影响。本篇通过对列表制度的本质研究,分析了“肯定列表制度”对山东蔬菜出口的影响,针对“肯定列表制度”影响的原因,提出了山东蔬菜应对“肯定列表制度”的对策。
[关键词] 肯定列表制度 残留限量标准 山东蔬菜 对策
The Japanese Positive List System for Agricultural Chemical Residues in Foods brought into effect on May 29, 2006. Foods in which any agricultural chemical residues (including pesticides, feed additives, and veterinary drugs) are found in excess of the level determined by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (Uniform Limit) shall not be produced, imported, processed, used, cooked, or stored for sale, or sold, provided. And now Japan is the biggest agriculture export destination of China, nearly one third of our agriculture goods were exported to Japan and China is the second biggest agriculture import nation for Japan. As the enforcement of Positive List System and Maximum Residue Limits, many effects will affect to China. Shandong as the biggest agriculture goods export province of China, how to resist the PLS and have a steady improvement, is worthy of consideration. This is the main point of this article.
[Key words] Positive list system, Maximum Residue Limits, Shandong Vegetable, countermeasures
目 录
1. 日本“肯定列表制度”概况 ..................................2
1.1 “肯定列表制度”的概念 .....................................2
1.2 “肯定列表制度”产生的原因 .................................3
1.3 “肯定列表制度”与日本现行管理制度的区别 ...................3
2. “ 肯定列表制度”对山东蔬菜出口的影响....................... 3
2. 1 山东省蔬菜产业发展情况 ...................................3
2.2 “肯定列表制度”对山东蔬菜出口的冲击....................... 4
3. 遭遇“肯定列表制度”影响的原因分析 ........................5
3.1 产品质量档次不高.......................................... 5
4. 山东蔬菜应对“肯定列表制度”的对策 ........................6
4. 1 政企携手建立农产品出口行业预警机制 ........................6
4. 2 标准化可破“绿色壁垒”.................................... 6
4. 3 大力发展无公害和有机食品 ..................................7
4.4 建立完善的食品安全保证体系 ................................8
4.5 积极促进农产品出口市场多元化 ..............................9
4.6 调整优化农产品出口商品结构 ................................9
参考文献 .......................................................10
致 谢......................................................... 11