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论文编号:GM492  论文字数:16364.页数:31

摘  要



 Port as the connection point of water transportation,not only plays a important role in the transportation network,but also plays in a invreasin-
ly important role in regional economic development in the process of regional economic development,and it also has become the heart of growth.So now the goverment’s port development in China has  been unprecedented attention to regional economic,and also increasingly demanding on the port,the port is expanding,function continue to improve
and profound understanding of the importance of ports and regional economic development and to determine the port contribution to the regional economic,which is a very important and urgent research topic.T-
his topic.This paper has a quantitiative studaies fo the shanghai economic by shanghai port,the paper is divided into five chapters,the first is an introduction and literature review,followed by description of shanghai port’s history,current statues,historical revolution and city development stage ,the forth chapter analysis the shanghai economic impact from shanghai port,the last one is the conclusion and the countermeasures.
 In the paper,empirical measurement and theoretical study found the folling results:first,from the present situation of the development of Shanghai port,Shanghai Port’s contruction and development has made important achievements,achieved leapfrog development,and rising statues
and from the shanghai city history and the stage view,the history of Shanghai’s development is itself a city and history together,fully illustrated with the truth of “city and port developed together” ,shows tje development of the port and urban economy closely related to growth.Second,through the DEA evalution model,prove that shanghai and shanghai port is a two-effective development of the city and port,means city development and containers development is effective.
Shows that the ability shanghai pulling effect on the urban economy has come to an effective level.Third,by Cobb-Doulas product function,comb-
ined with metrology reached a high goodness of fit coefficient,which also refects the economic develpment of Shanghai city’s significant contribute,
thus proving to the port of shanghai the importance of stimulating urban economic development.
KEYWORDS:container throughput, shanghai,GDP,DEA,production fuction
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题背景和意义 1
第二节 本文主要思路及基本框架 2
第二章 文献综述 4
第一节 国外对于港口与城市之间关系的研究 4
一、港口经济影响研究的初始阶段 4
二、港口经济影响研究的标准化阶段 5
三、港口经济影响研究的发展阶段 5
第二节 国内对于港口与城市之间关系的研究 6
一、定性分析 6
二、定量分析 7
第三节 小结 7
第三章 上海港与城市经济发展概述 9
第一节 上海港的历史沿革 9
第二节 上海港发展现状 11
第三节 上海港城关系的历史沿革 13
第四章 上海港对城市经济贡献的测定 15
第一节 DEA指标选择原则以及模型构成 15
第二节 DMU的选择和处理 16
一、城市评价指标选择 16
二、港口发展指标选择 17
第三节 评价过程和分析 18
一、评价模型 18
二、评价结果分析 20
第四节 生产函数测定上海港对城市经济的贡献 20
第五章 结论与不足 24
一、结论 24
二、不足之处 24
【参考文献】 25
致  谢 26

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