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论文编号:GM610  论文字数:19491.页数:30

摘  要

关键词:绍兴块状经济   纺织业  现状  发展战略


 This article through will carry on the analysis to the Shaoxing massive economy present situation and the development direction, Shaoxing''s massive economy represents – the textile industry to conduct the discussion research, the analysis induction has the representative question, simultaneously will propose the quite realistic significance solution by the future development direction of Shaoxing textile industry.
 This article is divided into five chapters. First of all, the study provides an overview of the background and research methods, indicated the theory and the practice significance of studying the Zhejiang massive economy. Next, looking over the Shaoxing massive economy development, and analyzes its present situation and proposes its future development direction. Third, analyzes Shaoxing textile industry about its existence of the question and the unique competitive advantage. Fourth, according to the massive economical development, proposes the practical and feasible developmental strategy to the Shaoxing textile industry. Finally, it will carry on the future to the Shaoxing textile industry to forecast.
KEYWORDS:Shaoxing Massive economy; Textile industry; Present situation; Developmental strategy

目  录
第一章 引言 1
 第一节 选题的背景与意义 1
 第二节 研究的内容与方法 2
 一、研究的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题: 2
 二、研究的方法与技术路线: 2
第二章 绍兴块状经济现状及其发展方向 3
 第一节 绍兴块状经济的现状 3
 第二节 绍兴块状经济的发展方向 4
第三章 绍兴纺织业现状 5
 第一节 绍兴纺织业概况 5
 第二节 绍兴纺织业面临的主要问题 6
 一、纺织业长期存在的问题 6
 二、金融危机冲击下凸显出的潜藏风险 7
 第三节 绍兴纺织业的竞争力分析 8
第四章 提升绍兴纺织产业的发展战略 10
 第一节 加强政府宏观调控能力 10
 第二节 推进自主创新,加速产业升级 12
 一、加快技术创新,提升绍兴纺织业 12
 二、进行人才创新培养,提高产业竞争力 12
 三、重视品牌创新,培育新型企业 13
四、案例:“赛博家纺”生产的蓝色地毯铺到了奥巴马就职演说现场 13
 第三节 调整市场结构,改变经营模式 15
 一、调整市场结构,实施内外销并举战略 15
 二、改变经营模式—终结粗放型经营模式 15
 第四节 其它战略措施 16
第五章 对绍兴纺织业的未来展望 17
 第一节 绍兴纺织业的趋势 17
 一、绍兴纺织业正在回暖 17
 二、产业用纺织品继续受青睐 18
 三、2009年绍兴纺织业的面料走向 19
 第二节 向国际纺织中心迈进 20
 一、项目推进:打造国际性纺织制造中心 20
 二、市场拓展:加快国际性纺织贸易中心建设 21
 三、培育创意产业:打造国际性纺织创意中心 21
[参考文献] 23
致  谢 25

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