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论文编号:GM463  论文字数:22569.页数:30

摘  要



 As an important branch of western sociology, social network theory has become a hot area of research. From the angle of the combination of sociology and economics, this paper ascends the social network theory and social capital theory.Then it generally analyses the domestic research on this issue, and discusses the relationship between social networks and economic development. By summarizing the origin and development of social network, this thesis elaborates on the connotation of social network theory and its functions. This paper expatiate on the positive effect the social network produces on Wenzhou merchants and Wenzhou economy from four aspects, which includes providing resources, improving management performance, establishment of mutual trust between members and cutting the cost. Consequently. This helps to establish “Tri-Wenzhou” and leads to industry cluster and development. But we should realize the disadvantageous of social network.
 From the thesis, conclusions are obtained as follows: In realizing the Sustainable Development of Wenzhou Economy , social network plays an important role in saving the transaction cost, promoting regional economic co-operation, accelerating the Industry Cluster and ensuring sound and rapid economic growth of regional economy.

KEYWORDS:Social  network, Wenzhou  Businessman,Effect

正 文 目 录

第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题意义 1
第二节 本文思路框架 2
第二章 社会网络的概念及其与经济发展关系研究 3
第一节 对社会网络的经济社会学阐释 3
第二节 社会网络的功能及其对经济发展的作用 5
一、社会网络资本是经济发展和社会进步的关键资源 5
二、社会网络优化资源配置 5
三、社会网络为个人提供收益 6
第三章  温州社会网络状况分析 7
第四章  社会网络对温商崛起作用的分析 10
第一节 提供资源、提高经营绩效 10
一、资源互补减少成本 10
二、互惠合作提高整体利益 11
三、横向合作降低不确定性 11
第二节 建立信任,降低成本 12
一、信任的概念 12
二、信任对家族企业作用 13
第三节  促成“三个温州” 14
一、天下温商现状 14
二、社会网络提供五大社会支持 15
第四节  促进产业集群发展 17
一、产业集群发展历程及现状 17
二、社会网络对集群的作用 19
第五节  辩证的看待社会网络的作用 22
结   论 23
参考文献 24
致  谢 26

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