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论文编号:GM518  论文字数:10356.页数:17

摘  要

关键词:绿色壁垒  浙江省农产品出口 影响与对策

The influence and countermeasure of the green barrier in Zhejiang agriculture export’s

With the development of economic globalization and accelerating process of liberalization of international trade, the traditional tariff and non-tariff barriers continue to remove the measures. Green barriers around the world has become an important trade interests adjustment means. At the same time, WTO rules provide a reasonable space and agriculture brought about by the internationalization of the practical problems of the international community to build on the green trade barriers for agricultural products increasing. Zhejiang is one of the country''s main agricultural exports provinces, the impact of the green barriers, together with our export products on the green surrounded paid insufficient attention to demand, resulting in an increasing number of agricultural exports by developed countries and regions green barriers limit. Based on the export of agricultural products in Zhejiang Province encountered green trade barriers,the thesis analyzes reasons and discusses the evasion of green barriers and expanding exports of agricultural products in Zhejiang countermeasures.
KEYWORDS:Green Barrier  Zhejiang Province  Agricultural exports  Influence  Countermeasure


第一章   引言………………………………………………………….…1
 第一节    选题的意义 1
 第二节    浙江省农产品出口的现状及产生原因……………………………1
第二章   绿色贸易壁垒概述……………………………………….……3
 第一节   绿色壁垒的主要内容……………………………………….……3
 一 、  绿色壁垒的概念及其形成………………………………….…….3
 二 、  绿色壁垒的特征及其表现形式…………………………………...3
 第二节   绿色壁垒对浙江省农产品出口的影响…………………………....5
第三章   浙江省应对绿色壁垒、扩大出口的相关对策思考 ………...7
 第一节  宏观上应采取的措施………………………………………….....7
 第二节  微观上应采取的措施…………………………………………….9
第四章  总结……………………………………………….…………...11

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